Aleksey Anatolevich Nesterov
Research interests:
Inorganic chemistry, chemistry and solid-state physics, technology of functional materials
Research projects:
Study of the mechanisms of formation of physical effects in micro-and nanostructural materials used in promising means of measuring, monitoring and diagnostics of rocket and space technology (RFFI) 2009 - 2011
Search research papers in the field of micro-and nanostructures based on oxide, organic and biological materials, the development of technology for the development of a forward-looking sensor based on new physical principles at the heart of collective use scientific equipment (The federal target program) 2010 - 2011
Research and development of low-temperature segnetokeramicheskih materials for electrically controllable UHF devices of new generation. (The Ministry of industry and trade). 2011 - 2012
Develop methods to control physical and mechanical parameters of anisotropic piezoelectric materials based on change in structuring their nano-, meso- and micro levels, in the context of low-temperature technology of synthesis of powders piezoelectric phases and sintering of ceramics (The federal target program). 2013
The development of innovative production technologies of composite piezoelectric materials and elements of their macrostructure, based on the method of controlled recrystallization ultrafine powders of piezoelectric phases and study of influence of parameters of forming composite materials on the totality of their electrophysical properties (The Ministry of education and science ) 2014 - 2016
Inorganic chemistry
Theory of chemical processes. Chemistry of simple substances and compounds of s-, p, d and f-elements.
Solid-state chemistry
The structure of crystalline and amorphous phases. Theory synthesis of powders. Materials based on crystalline and amorphous phases, their type and properties
introduction to speciality
Basic laws of chemistry. The structure of atoms. Theory of chemical bonding, molecular structure and not molecular substances. Atomic-molecular teachings
Project activities
Theory and practice of project activities
Selected chapters of inorganic chemistry
Chemistry of simple substances and compounds of rare and dispersed elements. Clusters, iso-polymeric and hetero-polymeric forms. adducts, complex compounds - structure, methods of manufacture, properties