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Alla Alekseevna Lysochenko 

+7(928) 152-58-01


Faculty of Management

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Head of the Master's program "Logistics" in the field of training 38.04.02 Management from 2016 to 2018.

Head of the master's program "Strategic Management" in the field of training 38.04.02 Management from 2019 to 2022 (full-time and part-time education)

Head of postgraduate students in the field of training 38.06.01 "Economics" of the 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy"
from 2020 to 2022.

Head of the master's program "Strategic Management" in the direction of training 38.04.02 Management from 2021 to the present day (full-time and part-time education).

Head of the Master's program "Logistics" in the field of training 38.04.02 Management from 2022 to the present day (full-time and part-time education).

189 scientific and educational works have been published, 125 of them are indexed in the RSCI, including 35 publications in the Higher Attestation Commission, 5 in Scopus and Web of Science, 8 monographs without co-authors.

Research interests: Management. Logistics. Strategic planning and logistics management. Economic and food security, development strategies. Nature management and environmental protection. Strategic development of the spatial policy of the region in the field of ecology. Problems and prospects of development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia and the Rostov region. Management in the agro-industrial complex. The public sector of the economy. State regulation and economic policy. Competitive industry strategy. Management by goals. Managerial economics. Management decision-making. Risk management. Financial and banking management.


Research projects:

Master’s course “Logistics”

Education form: full-time and part-time

Payment method: budget / commercial

Period of studying: 2,3 years

About program:

Education program “Logistics”

The master's program "Logistics" is aimed to the consistent formation of theoretical and practical skills in the development and application of modern concepts and methods of logistics, implementation of projects, logistics systems, modeling supply chains and the development of projects to improve their efficiency, taking the international experience and specific features of the Russian economy, also preparation for work as manager of the organization product distribution’s in the field of production and circulation. The program specifies the orientation of the educational program in the field, facilities and professional activities, provided the requirements of the Federal State Standard in Management.

Program structure:

Academic Writing

  • The term of the of this program, including holidays, provided after passing the state final examination, is 2,3 years for full-time students.
  • The complexity of the program is 120 credit units (4,320 hours) for the entire period of study in accordance with the Federal State Standard in this area and includes all types of classroom and independent student work, practice.
  • Special interest in the curriculum of the program are provided by the following disciplines:

Economic fundamentals of logistics; Business planning and forecasting in logistics; Transportation in logistics systems; Supply Chain Management; Logistics warehousing and inventory management; Management and optimization of financial resources in logistics; The module design activity - Strategic logistics management; Academic Writing.

Scientific work:

Research work - is a conducting research in the field of logistics and inclusion students in research activities through the formation the elements of methodological culture, including initial research skills for our students.

Additional information

The purpose (mission) of this Master’s program is an organizational and methodological support of the implementation of the Federal State Standard on this direction of training, based on the use of new information and communication, educational technologies, also the formation of general and professional competencies in accordance with the State Standard. The purpose of the master's program is to train highly qualified professionals in the considering of the features of science schools of federal universities belonging to the Program and the needs of the labor areas of the Russian Federation.



  • Managerial economics.
    The objectives of mastering the discipline "Managerial Economics": - to form an idea of the industries and activities carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation and to substantiate the specifics of their management; - to get an idea of the economic laws of the functioning of industries and activities; - to instill the skills of economic thinking and the use of knowledge in practice. The main educational task of the discipline "Managerial Economics" is the development of methods and special techniques used for an objective and comprehensive assessment of the activities of economic entities. The objectives of the discipline are the following: - to study the economic boundaries of markets, the definition of the industry and types of activities; - to get acquainted with the specifics of the management of enterprises in the service sector, the specifics of the management of industrial enterprises, the specifics of the management of state enterprises; - to understand the essence, goals and objectives of management; - to study the main functions and organizational structures of management, the main economic elements and indicators of the functioning of enterprises; - to get acquainted with the organization of the cycle of creation and development of new goods and services; - to study the organization and management of the material, technical and labor potential of the enterprise.
  • Pedagogy of higher education.
    The objectives of the discipline under study are: the development of professional thinking among graduate students, the formation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, theoretical ideas about the features of the professional work of a university teacher, the main trends in the development of the modern system of higher education, its content, training technology necessary for professional pedagogical activity at the university. Content of the discipline: Topic 1. Pedagogy of higher education: subject, place in the system of sciences Topic 2. Education system. The content of education in higher education. Topic 3. The learning process in higher education: the essence, structure, driving forces Topic 4. Organizational forms and methods of joint activity in the educational process Topic 5. Developing pedagogical technologies: principles of design and organization Topic 6. Technologies for organizing and managing students' independent work in the context of the Bologna process Topic 7. Essential characteristics and features of the process of education in higher education Topic 8. Typology of modern students, the system of their value orientations
  • Research activities.
    The purpose of research activity is to prepare for solving the tasks of research work by forming a knowledge base, skills, skills in the field of organization and technology of research work that meets the criteria established for scientific qualification work (dissertation). Tasks: The implementation of research activities is aimed at solving a number of tasks; deepening and methodological knowledge in the field of economics; study of modern methodology and obtaining skills of its application in economic research; study of modern methodology and obtaining skills of its application in economic research; mastering the methodology and methodology of analysis and application of economic theories, both for analyzing the state and for forecasting the development of national economic systems and the world economy as a whole; formation of skills in using information technologies and special tools at all stages of a research project: from setting a task and defining a problem, to collecting, cleaning, analyzing and interpreting the data obtained, as well as generating reports on research conducted and the ability to submit these reports; formation of students' logical thinking necessary to use the methodological foundations of research, as well as conducting a comprehensive research project; development of analytical abilities, and the formation of a systematic vision of economic phenomena and processes occurring in the modern economy; the formation of the ability to competently analyze the possibilities of socio-economic policy of the state in ensuring macroeconomic stability and economic growth; the formation of skills in using information technology packages and systems to analyze the data received; mastering approaches to the design and presentation of the text of a scientific qualification work (dissertation); acquiring skills in the application of technology for the preparation and structuring of a scientific qualification work (dissertation).
  • Strategic logistics management.
    The discipline "Strategic logistics management" refers to the part formed by the participants of educational relations, block B1 and is mandatory. Studied during the third semester in the 2nd year of the direction 38.04.02 "Management". This discipline is based on the subject disciplines of natural science, humanities and economics. To study this academic discipline "Strategic Logistics Management", the following knowledge, skills and abilities are required: Knowledge: - the place and role of logistics in the development of a new economic theory; - fundamentals of the theory and methodology of logistics of the organization; - the logistical essence of the economic efficiency of the processes of production and distribution of material goods; - the main functional areas of logistics and their role in the economy of the enterprise; - methods of optimizing the movement and use of material and information flows in the enterprise; - logistics requirements for the traditional enterprise management system. Skills: - to identify the shortcomings of the enterprise management system based on the logistics management concept; - to apply logistics principles and methods of managing current processes in the enterprise; - to organize the negotiation process, including using modern means of communication. Skills: - independent assimilation of new knowledge in the field of logistics theory; - possession of methods of analysis of the functioning of the links of the logistics chain - "procurement", "production", "stocks", "warehousing", "transport", "distribution and sales", "service", "information"; - possession of methods of assessing reserves savings from optimizing the movement and use of material and other flows in the enterprise. The list of subsequent academic disciplines that require knowledge, skills and abilities formed by this academic discipline: provided by the curriculum in the framework of the training direction 38.04.02 Management; as well as for technological and pre-graduate practice; for the preparation and writing of the final qualifying work. The purpose of studying the discipline. Formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future management specialists in the field of supply chain management, construction of logistics systems. 4. Content of the discipline: Module 1. Logistics strategies and Strategic Logistics Management. Strategic logistics management. Strategic logistics management. Supply chain monitoring. Outsourcing in supply chain management. Evaluation of the effectiveness of logistics systems and ways to improve it. Module 2. Functional and supporting complex of supply chains. Procurement management in supply chains. Distribution management. Transportation in supply chains. Inventory management in supply chains. Warehousing and cargo handling in supply chains.
  • Integration of the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work.
    The discipline "Integration of the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work" refers to the part of the program formed by the participants of educational relations, and is mandatory. Studied during the fifth semester of the 38.04.02 "Management" course. To study this academic discipline "Integration of the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work", the following knowledge, skills and abilities are required: knowledge of: basic methods of conducting economic research; concepts and main features of its segmentation of the economy, resources and strategies of economic development; forms of organization of management activities; strategic planning, its content and main stages. skills: to systematize knowledge, analyze and form conclusions on specific management situations. Readiness for analytical and cognitive activity. skills: methodology of economic research; methods and techniques of analysis of economic phenomena and processes using standard theoretical models. This discipline is necessary for the preparation and writing of the final qualifying work. The purpose of studying the discipline: consists in the formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills of integrating the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work, acquiring knowledge and skills in conducting research within the framework of the formation of general cultural and professional competencies necessary for the preparation of a master's thesis and the implementation of practical activities. Content of the discipline: Module 1. The essence of scientific research, the directions of its development and transformation Topic 1. Scientific research in the structure of scientific knowledge, the genesis of methodology Topic 2. Characteristic features of modern science Topic 3. Modern technologies of information collection and research Topic 4. Scientific approaches to research. Structuring of research methods Total hours in module 1 Module 2. Methodological approaches to the construction of scientific research, integration of the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work Topic 5. Methods of scientific cognition Topic 6. Structure and organization of scientific research Topic 7. Formation of the problem, presentation of the degree of study of the problem, relevance Topic 8. Registration of the results of scientific research in the final qualifying work
  • Digital logistics.
    The academic discipline "Digital logistics" belongs to the cycle B.In part, elective disciplines (modules) and is studied during the third semester in the 2nd year of the master's program "Logistics" of the direction 38.04.02 "Management".The purpose of studying the discipline: the formation of students' theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of digital logistics, digital platforms and digital business models, as well as mastering the ability to form a digital logistics platform, a digital consumer service platform and cybercorporation design skills. Content of the discipline: Module 1. Introduction to e-business and logistics. Module content: Virtual economy: content, structure, evolution. Electronic business: marketing, payment, trading and financial systems. Globalization and network structures. Information systems in the management of a cybercorporation. Artificial intelligence. Technologies of digitalization of production processes. Module 2. Platform solutions in logistics activities. Module content: Digital logistics as a concept and system. Digital logistics as part of e-business. The concept of digital logistics. End-to-end digital technologies. Structural and functional model of digital logistics. The main methods of economic efficiency of digital logistics.