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Alexandra Alexeevna Kozakova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Distinctive features of Marina Tsvetayeva’s individual style, Marina Tsvetayeva’s sphere of concepts.



  • Latin
    A brief development history of Latin, with focus on the major aspects of Latin phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
  • Introduction to the Science of Language
    The course contains the basic facts about language and its functions, as well as the linguistic typology of languages and linguistic affinity. It introduces the major concepts of linguistics related to phonetic, lexical and grammatical levels of language.
  • History of the Russian Literary Language
    The course focuses on the linguistic situation at various developmental stages of the Russian literary language.
  • Russian language in the professional sphere
    Russian language in the professional sphere Edit Delete The discipline is taught to students of technical and natural Sciences. It is designed to improve literacy and expand practical opportunities for proficiency in the Russian language in the professional sphere
  • Slavic languages and dialects: Polish
    Slavic languages and dialects: Polish The course allows students of Philology to see the result of different development of linguistic processes in various Slavic languages, and also lays the foundations of modern Polish language proficiency.