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Andrey Alexandrovich Kirillov 

Associate Professor

Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

social philosophy, history and philosophy of science, history of philosophy, science studies, sociology of knowledge, interdisciplinary studies, Eastern Christian civilization,  Byzantine philosophy

Research projects:

The contractor grant ROS-SRD 545 OSI Assistance Foundation assistance Foundation OSI.
Moderator and performer from the faculty of philosophy and cultural studies Rostov state University on the project "" OSI, in the framework of the 3rd Russian Congress of philosophy (2002-2003).
Manager of grant project ROS-niche 609-12 "Intelligentsia and universities in Russia (XIX-XX centuries): formation, social significance, prospects", Rostov MION.
Member of the working group of the organizing Committee (Rostov Department of the organizing Committee) III Russian philosophical Congress (2002). Awarded the honorary diploma of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation for his work in the organizing Committee of the Congress (2003).
Head of international network grant project "the Intelligentsia and universities in Russia (XIX-XX centuries): the rise of the social value perspectives" (together with OBTA, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Institute Central-East European studies, Warsaw, Poland, 2004-2005).

Singer and was expert in international grant project "University autonomy: challenges and chances" (with ACLS 2005-2007).
The head of the network grant project, "Intellectual anthropology: scenario design intelligentsia" (in cooperation with the Voronezh MION, MION Saratov, Irkutsk MION, OBTA, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Institute Central-East European studies, Warsaw, Poland, 2006-2007).
The contractor for the project "Conceptual development and the development of modular educational programs of preparation of bachelors in the direction "philosophy" (2007);
The executor of the grant of the project "socio-cultural identity of Russia in the conditions of globalization and regionalization" (2013);
The executor of the grant project "Cultural industries and the preservation of cultural heritage" (2013);
The cContractor at network research grant project "Universities and communities" (2011-2012);
The contractor on the project "Strategy of social and cultural innovation: European and regional specificity"(2011);
Performer проекту10-03-14116 "Logic, methodology, science of science: current problems and prospects" (2010);
The contractor for the TEMPUS project of SFU, the Project "towards the creation of a model research and entrepreneurial University in the system of higher education" (2008-2010);
The contractor for the project "Conceptual development and methodological support, modular educational programs in the discipline of philosophy for non-philosophical specialties (bachelor, master, doctorate)" (2008);
Performer and coordinator from the faculty of philosophy and Culturology, southern Federal University the project "Gumanitarniy Internet portal yufu" (2007).
The executor of the grant project "Cultural industries and the preservation of cultural heritage". Yufu, 2013ontractor and coordinator of the grant project "European philosophy of law" (2012)

Contractor at network research grant project "Universities and communities" (2011-2012);
The contractor for the project "Conceptual development and methodological support, modular educational programs in the discipline of philosophy for non-philosophical specialties (bachelor, master, doctorate)" (2008);
Performer and coordinator from the faculty of philosophy and Culturology, southern Federal University the project "Gumanitarniy Internet portal yufu" (2007).
The executor of the grant project "Cultural industries and the preservation of cultural heritage". Yufu, 2013
The executor of the grant of the project "socio-cultural identity of Russia in the conditions of globalization and regionalization". Yufu, 2013
The contractor for the collective grant of the President of the Russian Federation for NGOs "don political school". 2016