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Alexander Alexandrovich Fedotov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30007

+7(863) 437-17-67

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering


Academy for Engineering and Technologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

nanotechnology, nanoelectronics, nanostructured materials, carbon nanotubes, graphene, PECVD, hybrid nanostructures, scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy

Research projects:

1. "Study of electrical properties of nanostructured materials and composites based on them for use in gas sensors sensitive elements", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201366570, 2013, head of the project;

2. "Development of physical principles to create storage devices with controlled deformation in a vertically oriented carbon nanotubes", 2016-2019, administrant;

3. "Development of principles of construction and foundations of the theory of technological processes of creating ordered arrays of nanostructures for quantum and molecular nanoelectronic and nanomechanical systems", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201257796, 2012-2014, administrant;

4. "Research and development of technological bases for the formation of nanostructured ZnO films and VOx sensors for sensing elements", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201366569, 2013, administrant;

5. "Development and research of processes of formation and methods nanodiagnostics memristor structures based on nanocrystalline ZnO films, vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and titanium oxide nano-sized structures for the manufacture of advanced RRAM elements", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201366566, 2013, administrant;

6. "Development and research of methods of formation of probe sensors for specialized tasks probe nanodiagnostics by focused ion beams", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201280481, 2012-2013, administrant;

7. "Development of technology for the formation of nanostructured hybrid materials and sensor systems based on them", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201350072, 2012, administrant;

8. "Creating an interactive complex remote access for students and graduate students on the study of nanomaterials on the basis of multi-functional equipment," the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201171604, 2011, administrant;

9. "Development and research of technology of production of sensor elements for environmental monitoring systems based on the films of nanocomposite polymer materials with carbon nanostructures", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201058070, 2011, administrant;

10. "Development of a pilot project technical complex early detection, fire alarm, and the concentration of hazardous, toxic and harmful substances with automatic air purification system in the protected area of ​​education (academic) institutions," the state registration number in TsITiS: 01201160568, 2011, administrant;

11. "Development of the organizational-legal documents, regulating the activities of the regional branch of the Center of metrological support and conformity assessment of products of nanotechnologies and nano-industry in the Southern Federal District. Participation in the pilot operation of the regional branch of the Center of metrological support and conformity assessment of products of nanotechnologies and nano-industry in the Southern Federal District" state registration number in TsITiS: 01200962531, 2009, administrant;

12. "Carrying out the search of scientific research in the field of technical sciences in the framework of the event 1.4 program," the state registration number in TsITiS: 01200962529, 2009, administrant;

13. "Study the possibility of establishing methods and technical means of analysis of the present and future of micro- and nanoscale element base of electronic equipment", the state registration number in TsITiS: 01200804135, 2007 - 2008, administrant.


  • Solid-state electronics, components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices for quantum effects
  • Microelectronic sensor
  • Actual problems of nanotechnology