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Anna Alexandrovna Badavi 

+7(918) 896-75-54

Senior lecturer

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

Architecture of small hotels. Architecture  of leisure centres.

Accomplishment of yard spaces.
Architecture of children's educational institutions

Research projects:

Development of a Grado-ecological concept for the development of the Elbrus region (development of options for adapting the traditional housing of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria to modern small family hotels) in cooperation with the NPO "Southern Urban Planning Center".

Project proposal for the architectural solution of the facades of the business center "Polar Lights". Imprint: Boulevard Komarova, 28e Rostov-on-Don, 2008 year. Open Company "ГК АС". The project is implemented.

Working draft of an individual apartment house in the technique of wooden house-building (log-house). Imprint: Trans. Tourist 7g, Rostov-on-Don, 2008 year. The project is implemented.

Working design of the interiors of an individual apartment house in the technique of wooden house-building (log-house). Imprint: Trans. Tourist 7g, Rostov-on-Don, 2008 year. The project is implemented.

Working design of the apartment interior. Imprint: st. 3rd Ring Road 58a, Rostov-on-Don, 2008. The project is implemented.

A working project for the improvement of the residential development of the block on the avenue of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in Rostov-on-Don, co-authored with Kovalenko AV, Molchanov VM Imprint: Ave of the 40th anniversary of Victory in the borders of houses 99, 99A, 103, 103B, Rostov-on-Don, 2007. OOO Spektr-Yug. The project is implemented.
. Certificate of the participant (not more than 15% of the works), International architectural competition "Smart, Green & Beyond: Healthcare Facility of the Future / Smart, Eco-friendly and not only: Medical institutions of the future", 2017.


  • Architectural design. N 1 Special project "Urban architectural solution of the object" 5 course Bachelor
    The purpose of discipline - to develop functionally and compositionally sound urban planning solutions of the architectural object (relating to the proposed graduation project). Objectives: To study the functional and composite connections designed facility with the city. Identify the number of storeys restrictions, extent, silhouette, plan configuration, functions in relation to urban development, climatic, social conditions and their reflection in the volume-spatial composition of the object; formation of architectural volumetric-planning solutions designed facility that meets a set of general, regional and local factors; the creation of an aesthetically expressive architectural and artistic solutions and composite object.
  • Architectural design. Special project N 2 "Architectural - planning solution architectural object" 5 course Bachelor
    The purpose of discipline - to develop functionally and architecturally sound volume-planning concept of the architectural object (on the graduation project). Objectives: architectural formation of volumetric-planning solutions designed facility that meets functional requirements, reflecting the latest innovative solutions in architecture; study of functional and composite connections designed facility with the city; account of urban development, climatic, social conditions and their reflection in the volume-spatial composition of the object; the creation of an aesthetically expressive architectural and artistic solutions and composite object.
  • Architectural design. 5 The degree project course, Bachelor
    The purpose of discipline - to master the principles and techniques of creating an architectural object that meets the social and functional requirements, possessing artistic expression and engineering feasibility, and due to the specific conditions of the construction site: urban development, socio-demographic, climatic, social and cultural. The purpose of the project - the development of a functionally and architecturally sound space-planning solutions of the architectural object for various purposes. To achieve the goal to solve the following learning objectives: 1. Justification of functional and composite connections designed facility with the city. Identify the number of storeys restrictions, length, silhouette, plan configuration, functions in relation to urban development, climatic, social conditions and their reflection in the three-dimensional object composition. 2. Architectural forming space-planning solutions designed facility that meets a set of general, regional and local factors. 3. Creating an aesthetically expressive architectural and artistic solutions and composite object.
  • Practical lessons on discipline "problems of reconstruction and analysis techniques of pre-landscaping", 5 year
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students' knowledge systems, skills and practical skills in the application of the methods of pre-analysis of the landscaping in the conditions of reconstruction, corresponding to social and functional requirements, possessing artistic expression and engineering feasibility, and due to the specific conditions of the construction site: urban development, social and demographic , climatic, social and cultural.
  • Architectural design. Course N 12 special project "Reconstruction of the residential building", 4 year
    The purpose of the project - the development of a functional and architecturally sound space-planning decisions of a residential building under renovation. Design Object: architectural and planning solution of residential houses, including apartments, elements of cultural and community services, developed territory, on the basis of the actually existing architectural structures with the necessary reconstruction techniques (remodeling, extension, Insertion, superstructure, the use of underground space) within the limits of the possibility of increasing of intensity. Residential building functions as a single element of the social, spatial and aesthetic organization of urban development.
  • Architectural design. Course project N 10 "Multifunctional residential complex", 4 year
    Object Design: Architecture and planning solution for multi-storey multifunctional residential complex, in which a whole (complex-quarter) are combined apartments, service institutions (public, cooperative or private) and non-residential facilities (office and administrative, commercial, cultural, entertainment, sports and health and others.) on the landscaped area district downtown. MFZHK functions as a single element of the social, spatial and aesthetic organization of urban development.
  • Architectural design. Course project N 7 "Multi-level parking" 3 course
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students' knowledge systems, skills and practical skills in the creation of volumetric-planning structure of industrial facilities that meets the social and functional requirements, possessing artistic expression and engineering feasibility, and due to the specific conditions of the construction site: urban development, socio-demographic, natural -klimaticheskimi, social and cultural. Purpose - to perform the architectural design of multilevel parking lots with detailed study of engineering and design solution of the object. The project should focus on the world and domestic experience in the design and construction of similar buildings using the latest construction technologies.
  • Architectural design. Course project N 4 "Bezliftovy residential building with apartments for development", 2nd year
    The purpose of the project - detailed development of social and functional aspects of architectural design as an example of urban apartment building. Learning Objectives: 1) to learn the basics techniques of architectural design of residential buildings; 2) to learn the principles and methods of designing mid-apartment house; 3) create a volumetric-planning solution, corresponding to the modern concept of a comfortable urban housing; 4) learn modern regulatory requirements in housing construction; 5) acquire the skills graphic design conceptual design.
  • Architectural design. Course project N 3 "Cottage", 2nd year
    The purpose of the discipline - to learn the principles and techniques of creating architectural and planning structure of rural residential houses and estates as a whole, meets the social and functional requirements, having artistic expression and engineering feasibility and due to the conditions of the construction site: urban development, socio-demographic, climatic, social -cultural. Requirements for the country estate: in rural homestead project should pay special attention to the relationship of residential, industrial and agricultural parts of the estate, as well as the relationship of architecture and nature; topography, vegetation, wind rose, to provide modern methods of organization of landscape and environment design of the village, the estate and a residential building.
  • "Social and energy-information aspects of architectural design", 1 year magistracy
    The purpose of mastering discipline; the formation of students' knowledge about the social and energy-informational aspects of architectural design in the process of forming a humane, safe and environmentally friendly human habitat. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: # 61623; to acquaint with social problems of formation of architecture of buildings and constructions; & amp; # 61623; to acquaint with social aspects of formation of an inhabitancy and social maintenance of the environmental approach; & amp; # 61623; to study social and energy-informational aspects of formation of architecture of buildings and structures for various purposes and layout of populated areas; & amp; # 61623; to study the eniology of the formation of the architectural typology of buildings and structures; & amp; # 61623; get knowledge of non-standardizable risk factors in the creation of architectural forms and the design of buildings and structures.
  • "Modern problems of civil architecture and landscaping", 2 year magistracy
    The purpose of the discipline is: - the formation of professional and professional competences in the field of architectural formation of residential and public buildings and their elements, the residential environment as a whole, based on a comprehensive consideration of world trends in humanization of habitats, regional characteristics, traditions and social factors; - deepening of knowledge about modern approaches, concepts and techniques for the formation of comfortable public and residential areas, and the formation of a theoretical knowledge system for the student about the basic approaches, concepts and techniques for improving the territories of buildings and structures. Tasks: - to acquaint students with modern problems of architecture of residential and public buildings of complexes and perspective forms of their development; - to familiarize students with the main modern methods of solving problems of design, construction, and reconstruction of buildings and complexes; - to teach students to apply the results of scientific research in the preparation of the WRC; - to acquaint students with various techniques in solving general plans with elements of improvement, depending on the conditions of construction, the purpose of the facility, natural climatic, regional and aesthetic factors; - to acquaint students with an overview of the main modern materials and technologies used to create a comfortable architectural environment.