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Larisa Vitoldovna Zanina 


Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

Senior researcher

Southern Federal University


Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Author of 174 publications, including 9 monographs, including:

A conceptual model of the regional educational complex "College -a teacher training University" (collective monograph). Rostov-on-don, Rostov state pedagogical University, 2000
Zanina L. V. Scientific and methodological foundations of the reform of pedagogical education in the 90s of the XX Century". Monograph. Rostov-on-don, Rostov state pedagogical University. 2001
Quality management system of professional training in RSPU. (collective monograph). Rostov-on-don, 2002
Methodological sphere of education: modern scientific approaches. (collective monograph): Rostov-on-don, "Bulat", 2007
Zanina L. V. Additional education in the context of foresight. Lap Lamber. Germany. 2012
Acculturation: professional-pedagogical and linguistic foundations (collective monograph). Stavropol, sgmi, 2014
Zanina L. V. Preventive pedagogy in the system of human Sciences. Glava2. / Promising trends in the development of science: education, upbringing, sport. (collective monograph) Ukraine, Odessa. 2016.
Zanina L. V., Kirik V. A., Gatalskaya G. V., Miroshnichenko A.V. prevention of addictions in the conditions of digitalization: risks and solutions (international collective monograph). Rostov-on-don, Credo. 2020
REID "program for identifying predictors of addiction in the youth environment". Zanina L. V., Vorontsov D. V., Ingerleib M. V. Certificate of state registration of a computer program N 201861627 dated 9.04.2018
Basic education: "Psychologist. Teacher": Department of psychology, faculty of philosophy, Rostov state University.


Research projects:


PhD thesis defense: specialty 13.00.01; theory and history of pedagogy on the topic: "The formation of a humane pedagogical position of the future teacher in a multi-level system of higher professional education" in 1994.

Defense of the doctoral dissertation: specialty 13. 00. 08; theory and methodology of professional education on the topic: "Scientific and methodological foundations and regional features of the reform of pedagogical education" in 2001.

Under the guidance of L. V. Zanina, four PhD theses were defended in the specialty 13.00.08; theory and methodology of professional education.

Since 2017, he has been leading the preparation of four PhD dissertations.

Since 2014, member of the editorial Board of the NTZ "Scientific support of the system of advanced training of personnel" (VAK) (Chelyabinsk)

ORCID-ID 0000-0002-4477-5882

SPIN code 4537-5268

Scopus-ID 57202390467