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Oleg Borisovich Makarevich 

+7(903) 404-35-83

+7(863) 436-15-18

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Research interests:

Information security, intellectual systems, network attacks, neural networks, information security, comprehensive protection of objects, humanitarian and legal aspects infrrmatsionnoy security, cloud computing

Research projects:

RFBR Grant 12-07-92693 Head-Indus "Countering attacks on network protocols in mobile sensor networks Adhoc" 2012 -2013. 12-07-00013-a; Head of the grant "Development and research of methods and means of operational analysis of LAN and automated construction of models of network attacks," 2012 -2014; Manager Grant 10-07-06819-mob_g "Organization and carrying out a second youth school-seminar on information security," 2010 -2010; Manager Grant 0-07-06031-g "organization and staging of the XI International scientific-practical conference" Information Security "2010 -2010; Artist Grant 10-07-05007-b "Development of MTB for research in the field of knowledge 07" 2010 -2010; Artist grant 14-37-50917 "Development and research of methods of protection of the resources of distributed information systems based on the concept of encapsulating security and application of multi-agent neural networks"; Head of the grant 15-07-00595 "Development and research of complex models for automated security analysis of smart cards"; Head of the grant 15-07-20393 "The draft organization of the eighth international conference on information security SIN-2015 (The 8th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks)". Makarevich OB, graduated from Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute in 1961, it operates since 1962 in positions from engineer to head of the department of multiprocessor computers SRI MCS, head of the department, leading specialist in the field of information technology. Over the years, Makarevich OB participated in the execution of more than forty research, he has developed and implemented a number of products of digital technology, in particular:
- 1967-1969 gg - Led the development and introduction into production at the Novosibirsk plant series semiconductor integrated circuits digital integrators K-502, which was produced for ten years;
- 1969-1975 gg - Led the development of a single-chip digital integrator, wave switches, desktop digital integrating machine (on-chip series K-502), containing 90 digital integrators, electronic
switching and the possibility of an arbitrary separation between the decisive field
three users ;
- 1981-1995 gg - As the chief designer has developed technical projects and created experimental samples of multi-EU-2703 computer system, the vector of the accelerator to the PC and personal multiprocessing super computers "SAIL _ M" (see Appendix 2,3,4 respectively);
- 1995 - actively participated in the opening of a new direction in TSURE information technologies - the protection of information, in particular the specialty 220600 "Management and Information Security Technology".
     From 1997 to the present scientific and pedagogical staff of the school successfully conducts research and development work on the creation and introduction of modern means of information protection, carried out on the orders of the Federal Service for Technical and expert control of Russia, the Ministry of Defence business program of the Ministry of Education, RFBR grants. Customers of these works are: NTC "Orion", ZAO "RNT", JSC "Concern VNIIMS" (Moscow), GNIII PTZI FSTEC Russia (Voronezh). The department cooperates with leading universities: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russian State Humanitarian University, ICSI FSB Academy, Ufa Aviation University, the universities of the Southern region. Main research team is - the development of new methods and means to ensure the identification and authentication of information security threats in violation of computer networks, as well as countering these threats. R & D results implemented in the educational process in the lectures of teachers and post-graduate thesis. On this number from Makarevich OB more than twenty of his students defended their dissertations, one - his doctoral thesis.
The scientific staff of the school Makarevich OB primarily consists of his graduate students, already candidates and doctors of sciences, as well as those who have not defended their dissertations. Professor Chefranov AG has a scientific school, has been working for many years at the University in the scientific school members are experts in the fund RFBR (Makarevich OB, Babenko LK) in the journal "Information and Security" (A. Makarevich B.).
      Since 1999, Makarevich OB He organized and carried out more than 15 regional workshops and the international conference "Information Security". Since 2009 he is co-chairman of the Russian International Conference «International Conference on Security of Information and Networks» (SIN). The English-language conference SIN SIN 2010 and 2015 were held in Russia (Taganrog and Sochi respectively). In other years, the conference was held: in Turkey (2009), India (2011), Australia (2012), Turkey (2013) (Scotland, 2014), (USA 2016). The staff, postgraduates and SFU students made presentations. (See. Appendix 5).
Makarevich OB was a member of a number of so¬vetov by defending his doctoral dissertation, he is currently the Chairman of the Dissertation Council on thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the Southern Federal University, specialty 05.13.19 - "Methods and means of information protection, information security" and 05.25.05 - "Information systems and processes." Since 2007, the Council defended the thesis of the applicant 43. All dissertations approved HAC Russia.


  • The protection of information
    1995 - actively participated in the opening of a new direction in TSURE information technologies - the protection of information, in particular specialty 220600 "Management and Information Security Technology." From 1997 to now successfully conducts research and development work on the creation and implementation of modern means of information protection, carried out on the orders of the Federal Service for Technical and expert control of Russia, enterprises of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education program, RFBR grants. Makarevich O.B.s 1996 to 2014 headed the department that successfully prepares specialists in the direction of information security and is a major R & D R & D Center "Orion", UAB "RNT", JSC "Concern VNIIMS" (Moscow) GNIII PTZI FSTEC Russia (Voronezh). The department cooperates with leading universities: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russian State Humanitarian University, the Academy of the Federal Security Service ICSI, Ufa Aviation University, the universities of the Southern region. By 2010, enterprises and organizations in the South of Russia employs more than 800 specialists of the department. Since 1999 he has organized and conducted three regional workshops and eight international conference "Information Security". Makarevich OB is a member of two councils defended his doctoral thesis, is the chairman of the Dissertation Council for defending theses for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the Southern Federal University, specialty 05.13.19 "Methods and means zaschity information, information security" and 05.25.05 "Information Systems and Processes ". He currently lectures on the problems of information security, supervises graduate students and doctoral candidates. Eighteen of his students defended their dissertations, one - a doctorate. He was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Teacher of the Year" National forum of information security "INFOFORUM." The professional award in the field of information security. Переводчик Google для бизнеса ;Инструменты переводчикаПереводчик сайтовСлужба "Анализ рынков"

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