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Mikhail Eduardovich Abramyan 

Associate Professor

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Numerical Methods for Singular Integral Equations

M.E.Abramyan. Justifying the convergence of the rectangular method for complete singular integral equations with continuous coefficients on the circle // Mathematical Notes, Vol. 77, No. 1–2 (2005), P. 149–160.

M.E.Abramyan. Uniform convergence of the rectangle method for singular integral equation with the Hölder density // Russian Mathematics (Iz Vuz), Vol. 56, No. 2 (2012), P. 1–9.

Development of Educational Software in Computer Science

M.E. Abramyan. Implementation of the universal electronic book on the programming [in Russian]. "Informatics and education", 2009, No. 6. P. 118-120.

M.E. Abramyan. Using teacher-assisted software for laboratory classes on programming [in Russian]. "Informatics and education", 2011, No. 5. P. 78-80.

M.E. Abramyan. The electronic book of educational training tasks on parallel MPI programming [in Russian]. "Computer tools in education", 2011, No. 6. P. 47-54.

M.E.Abramyan., Yu.V. Belyakova, S.S. Mikhalkovich. Using a web-environment PascalABC.NET for distance teaching of programming [in Russian]. "Distance and virtual education", 2012, No. 3. P. 14-24.

M.E. Abramyan. Using teacher-assisted software for preparing to the Unified State Examination on computer science [in Russian]. "Informatics and education", 2012, No. 6. P. 91-93.

M.E. Abramyan. The electronic book of educational training tasks on string algorithms of bioinformatics [in Russian]. "Computer tools in education", 2012, No. 2. P. 49-58.

M.E. Abramyan. Using of the electronic book of educational training tasks on string algorithms of bioinformatics [in Russian]. "Computer tools in education", 2012, No. 3. P. 47-56.

M.E. Abramyan., S.S. Mikhalkovich. Web environment for software development and training [in Russian]. "Open Systems", DBMS, 2012, No. 10. P. 56-59.

M.E. Abramyan. The application of the electronic taskbook in the study of dynamic data structures [in Russian]. "Computer tools in education", 2013, No. 3. P. 45-56.

M.E. Abramyan. LINQ courseware: implementing and using [in Russian]. "Informatization of education and science", 2014, No. 2 (22). P. 23-35.

M.E. Abramyan. The application of the electronic taskbook in the study of file data processing [in Russian]. "Computer tools in education", 2014, No. 3 . P. 45-57.

A.V. Abramyan, M.E. Abramyan. Problem book on programming: Scalar types, control statements, procedures and functions, arrays, strings, files, recursion, dynamic data structures. Rostov-on-Don, 2014. 158 p. URL:

M.E. Abramyan. On the architecture of the universal problem book on programming [in Russian]. "Informatization of education and science", 2015, No. 3 (27). P. 134-150.

M.E. Abramyan. Electronic problem book for preparation for the Unified State Examination in computer science with support of the Pascal, C++, Python languages [in Russian]. "Informatization of education and science", 2016, No. 2 (30). P. 70-84.

M.E. Abramyan. C++ Standard Template Library courseware: implementing and using [in Russian]. "Informatization of education and science", 2017, No. 1 (33). P. 57-72.

M.E. Abramyan. The electronic book of educational training tasks on parallel programming based on the MPI 2.0 standard [in Russian]. "Modern Information Technology and IT-education", 2017, Vol. 13, No. 4. P. 91-104.


Research projects:

  • Electronic book of educational training tasks on the basic course of programming "Programming Taskbook", (certificate 2007611815, 28.04.2007), in Russian and English;
  • Package for a teacher on programming "Teacher Pack", (certificate 2009614272, 13.08.2009), in Russian;
  • Electronic book of educational training tasks on string algorithms of bioinformatics "Programming Taskbook for Bioinformatics", (certificate 2013612450, 28.02.2013), in Russian;
  • Electronic book of educational training tasks on the distributed MPI-programming "Programming Taskbook for MPI", (certificate 2013612589, 06.03.2013), in Russian and English;
  • Electronic book of educational training tasks on the LINQ techniques of .NET Framework "Programming Taskbook for LINQ", (certificate 2014613173, 19.03.2014), in Russian;
  • Electronic book for preparation for the Unified State Examination (USE) in computer science "Programming Taskbook for Exam", (certificate 2014617472, 23.07.2014), in Russian.


  • Calculus
    The basic course of calculus including: (1 semester) limit of sequence, limit and continuity of function, derivative and its applications, (2 semester) indefinite and definite integrals, functions of many variables, extremums of many variables functions, (3 semester) multiple integrals, improper integrals, numerical and functional series, Fourrier series, integrals depending on a parameter, (4 semester) the theory of functions of a complex variable. The lectures of 1-2 semesters are available on the YouTube channel ( and on the website of the Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechamics and Computer Science of the Southern Federal University: (1 semester), (2 semester).
  • Parallel and Distributed Programming
    The course is delivered in English and includes sections and topics as follows: 1. Introduction to the parallel calculations. Developing of distributed applications by means of the MPI technology 1.1. Overview multiprocessor systems programming tools. MPI Technology: a general description 1.2. Point-to-point communication. Collective communication 1.3. Global reduction operations. Derived datatypes. Packing and unpacking 1.4. Groups of processes and communicators. Virtual topologies 2. Developing multi-threaded applications using OpenMP and Parallel LINQ technologies 2.1. OpenMP Programming Interface: an overview 2.2. The basic means of parallelization in OpenMP 2.3. The synchronization means in OpenMP 2.4. The Parallel LINQ technology for .NET framework 3. Parallel algorithms in numerical methods. Development and implementation of parallel programs on computer clusters 3.1. Overview architectures of multiprocessor computer systems 3.2. The parallel matrix algorithms 3.3. Parallel methods of solving boundary value problems of mathematical physics Topic 1.3. Global reduction operation. Derived datatypes. Packing and unpacking 3.4. Parallel methods of solving n-body problem 3.5. Running programs on a Unix cluster 3.6. Developing sets of learning tasks on parallel programming by means the TaskMaker of the Programming Taskbook for MPI Additional information (in Russian) is available on the website of the Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechamics and Computer Science of the Southern Federal University: