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Alexander Nikolaevich Poltavsky 

+7(928) 186-85-07

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Research interests:

Was born in Rostov-on-Don, 15.09.1954. Education: biology-soil faculty of the Rostov State university (RSU), 1971-1976; full-time postgraduate study (RSU, 1976-1979). Candidate of Biology since 1982, the thesis protected at the Institute of Zoology (Kiev). Thesis: “Fauna and ecology of noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of the Northern Caucasus”. Employment. 1979–1988. Botanical garden of the RSU, junior and senior research associate. Study of introduced plants protection against the pests; biodiversity of Lepidoptera of the Northern Caucasus. 1988–1990. The Don Zonal scientific research institute of agriculture: senior research associate, laboratory of plants protection. Study of the insect-pests complex on a seed alfalfa. 1990–1991. Limited liability company “Agroecomonitoring”: monitoring of seed alfalfa. 1991–1996. Rostov City’s and Regional’s ecological centers for pupils: methodologist. Development of methodic for school children training in ecological disciplines. 1996–1999. Rostov Zoo: research associate. Development of the comprehensive program for calculations of balanced food for animals. 1999–2007. Business concerns: the agronomist-consultant in technologies of plant protection. 2008-2016. Botanical garden of the Academy of biology and biotechnology of the Southern State university: senior research associate and research associate. Publications: 200 altogether, including 5 monographs, 9 manuals. Scientific specialization: fauna and ecology of Lepidoptera of the Northern Caucasus and Central Asia; development of plant protection technologies; agricultural ecology: pesticide contamination of agrocenoses; development of the modern concept of "entomological refuges"; monitoring of the Lepidoptera-moth’s fauna in the Rostov region during 1972-2015.