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Alexander Vladimirovich Soldatov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11077

+7(863) 219-97-24


Southern Federal University

Scientific supervisor of the research field

Southern Federal University

Head of the Scientific Laboratory

Southern Federal University

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Research interests:

Nanoscale local atomic, electronic and magnetic structures of advanced smart  materials for nano-, bio-, medical applications.

Synchrotron radiation spectroscopies and x-ray free electron laser experiments.

Multiscale supercomputer modelling in materials science and nanotechnology.

Nano-oncology : Development of optimized synthesis techniques of metal-containing nanoparticles having a pronounced effect on tumor tissue, and integrated technologies for enhancing antitumor resistance mechanisms using nanomaterials and personalized low-intensity systemic effects.

Deep machine learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) for the analysis of Big Data, obtained at large-scale research facilities.

Deep machine learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) for oncology diagnostics. 

Research projects:

Smart nanostructured porous materials computer nanodesign, advanced chemical synthesis and spectral nanodiagnostics.

From NanoDesign upto NanoDiagnostics of smart nanomaterials:“full cycle” laboratory setup.

Colloidal magnetic nanoparticles for personalized theranostics in oncology: advanced in-situ x-ray spectroscopic and x-ray nano-imaging research.

Picometer scalecharacterization of 3D local atomic structure parameters  of nanomaterials based on XANES spectroscopy.

Nano-oncology : Development of optimized synthesis techniques of metal-containing nanoparticles having a pronounced effect on tumor tissue, and integrated technologies for enhancing antitumor resistance mechanisms using nanomaterials and personalized low-intensity systemic effects.

Deep machine learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) for the analysis of Big Data, obtained at large-scale research facilities.

Deep machine learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) for oncology diagnostics. 


  • Physics of Nanoclusters
    Atomic nanoclusters are among the main objects of nanotechnology. Understanding of their formation rules and connection of atomic and electronic structure with the observed properties is a key staring point for the following design of new advanced nanomaterials. The course “Physics of Nanoclusters" (10 ECTS) is intended for Master students. It is a part of a Master program “Nanoscale structure of materials“ developed in Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). The goal of the course “Physics of nanoclusters" is to give students the comprehensive background in the field of nanoclusters properties connected to quantum size effects as well as introduce main theoretical and modern experimental tools for the study of nanoclusters. The course covers the following main topics: • Basic concepts and definitions • Correlation of atomic and electronic structure with observed physical properties of nanoclusters • Theoretical methods for the analysis of nanocluster atomic and electronic structure • Experimental techniques for the study of nanocluster atomic and electronic structure Program 1. Introduction Quantum size effect Atomic structure of nanoclusters 2. Theoretical methods for the analysis of nanocluster atomic and electronic structure Molecular dynamics Quantum chemistry approaches Real space methods Band structure (k-space) methods 3. Experimental techniques for the study of nanocluster atomic, electronic and magnetic structure Mass spectroscopy XPS (UPS) spectroscopy Electron microscopy (HRTEM, EELS, LEED) XAFS spectroscopy XMCD spectroscopy 4. Rare-gas clusters Synthesis Bonding and electronic structure Charged clusters 5. Metal clusters Synthesis Structure variation vs size Metal-insulator transition Magnetic properties 6. Semiconductor clusters Synthesis Carbon clusters Silicon clusters Compound clusters 7. Ionic clusters Synthesis. Alkali Halide clusters Metal oxide clusters Metal chalcogenide clusters 8. Molecular clusters Synthesis Water clusters Solvent ; solute clusters 9. Applications of nanoclusters Nanoelectronics Spintronics Catalysis Medical drugs Nanophotonics Tribology
    The goal of the course “Electronic structure of materials and methods for the study" is to give students the comprehensive background in the field of electronic structure of solid materials as well as introduce main theoretical and modern experimental tools for the study of materials electronic structure. The course covers the following main topics: • Basic concepts of electronic structure • Main parameters of electronic structure • Connection of electronic structure with observed physical properties of the materials • Theoretical methods for the analysis of electronic structure • Experimental techniques for the study of electronic structure Program 1. Introduction: Main definitions 2. Electronic Band Structure and physical properties Electron conductivity Magnetic properties Optical properties Thermoconductivity 3. Theoretical methods for electronic structure analysis DFT formalism Band structure theory KKR formalism APW methods Multiple scattering in real space Finite differences method in real space 4. Spectroscopic techniques XPS spectroscopy (UPS, ESCA) XAFS spectroscopy (XANES, NEXAFS, EXAFS) EELS spectroscopy (ELNES) XMCD spectroscopy XES spectroscopy Optical spectroscopy NMR spectroscopy EPR spectroscopy Mössbauer spectroscopy Tunneling spectroscopy Positron annihilation spectroscopy 5. Case studies

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