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Evgeny Sergeevich Abramov 

Senior researcher

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

Head of the department

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

  1. Cyber security
  2. Intrusion and anomaly detection
  3. Automated reasoning, model checking
  4. Intrusion tolerant and active respond systems
  5. Artificial neural networks
  6. Machine learning

Research projects:

- Participation in collective supported projects

* RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research), No. 10-07-00464-a, 2010-2012, “Development and investigation of techniques, methodologies and tools to automate the creation of virtual museums and the preparation of 3D-virtual museum dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Anton Chekhov ”.

* RFBR, No. 10-07-00529-а, 2010-2012, “Investigation methods and means of presentation and storage of knowledge in the field of information security”.

* RFBR, No. 04-07-90137, 2004-2006, “Research and development of models, methods and tools of intrusion detection”.

* RFBR, No. 01-07-90211, 2003-2005, “>Development andstudy of methods and means of protecting information in Geographic Information Systems ”.
- Others

*take part as the executive in charge in several special research projects dealing with NIDS development, attack simulation, firewall bypassing, critical infrastructure modeling, penetration testing.


  • Information security in computer networks
    Course prepares students to work protecting computers and networks against unauthorized access or modification. They will learn how to prevent the denial of service to authorized users, as well as the support, design, implementation, and administration of new computer networks and maintenance of existing systems.
  • Cyber attack detection technology
    This course identifies the major components of the cyber-attack and defense arena. The wide range of modern cyber-attacks and defenses technologies will be presented. The course address tools and procedures to simulate an attack on an adversary, as well as how to thwart attacks of this nature. The course discusses the implications societally, socially, legally, and technologically, of cyber-attacks on an entity.