The participants were students from Russia, Cuba, Egypt, Colombia, Uzbekistan, and Nigeria.
Southern Federal University is brightly celebrating Shrovetide Week. The Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management did not stand aside either. An international Carnival was organized here for foreign students of the SFedU Academy of Engineering and Technology.
"We wanted to tell our students from abroad where this holiday came from, what it means, how it was celebrated in Russia. Such events help foreigners to adapt to the Russian–speaking environment faster, unite, get acquainted with the traditions of Russia, the Southern Federal University and just have fun," said Lyubov Novodranova, the organizer, 3rd year student of the SFedU Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management.
Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday. At first, people celebrated the transition from winter to spring and the beginning of the new year in this way, and after the adoption of Christianity during Shrovetide, they tried to eat before Lent.
During Maslenitsa, they built snow fortresses, sledged, staged fist fights, climbed a pole for a prize, and danced. A bear was a mandatory participant, because he wakes up when spring comes. In some cities, the bear was alive, and in villages and villages more often they simply put a skin on one of the men and sent him dancing.
More than 40 people, including students from Russia, Cuba, Egypt, Colombia, Uzbekistan, and Nigeria, took part in the event from the SFedU Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management. The organizers have prepared an extensive program for them. The guests were invited to dress up a scarecrow to see off winter, go through an obstacle course on brooms, guess the meaning of Old Russian words, play "Streamlet" and much more. A thematic photo zone was also designed, and at the end, everyone tasted hot pancakes with sour cream, jam and condensed milk over tea.
"I really liked it! Most of all, I liked active games and, of course, pancakes. I have been living in Russia for a long time, I know how Christmas, Yuletide, and Easter are celebrated here. I always enjoy participating in such events, because I like to learn something new about the culture of other people," Ahmed Elsherbini shared his emotions.
This is not the first bright event of the Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management, focused on the adaptation of foreign students. So, in October, for students of the SFedU Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management who arrived in Russia, a trip to the SKIF recreation center was organized with rallying games, Russian cuisine and musical activities on the seashore.
A full photo report on the international Carnival from the Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management can be found in the Vkontakte group.
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