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Within the framework of the project "School of a young innovator", the quest "Back to the future" was held in SFedU


Rostov-on-Don schoolchildren visited the laboratories of the natural science faculties of the Southern Federal University, performing fascinating tasks under the guidance of teachers and students of the university - to assemble a cybernetic hand, convey a message in Morse code, make a galvanic battery from lemon and much more.

Southern Federal University is the organizer of the popular science project School of Young Innovators "Young Einstein". On November 25, Alexander Soldatov's lecture on synchrotron radiation and a quiz were held at the Atomic Energy Information Center for sixty schoolchildren who were selected for School.

And on November 26, an exciting scientific quest at the western campus of SFedU — the Physics Faculty, the Chemistry Faculty, the D. I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology and the I. I. Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science opened their laboratories to young innovators.

"This amazing event is like an open day, but not for individual departments of the university, but for the whole science at once. The School of Young Innovators has been held annually by us since 2009, and now the project is supported by the "Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Research and Research Infrastructure for 2029-2030", the purpose of which is to attract the younger generation to new tasks that are solved at mega-class installations. The final task of the day will be a synchrotron mock—up, which schoolchildren will have to power from alternative energy sources — they will have wind, sun and bicycle pedals at their disposal," said Alexander Guda, Deputy director of the International Research Laboratory of Nanodiagnostics of the SFedU Institute of Medical Sciences.

Teachers of the SFedU, student scientific societies and members of the public organization "Smart City" took part in the quest and the work of its stations.

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