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SFedU took part in the XV Congress of the Eurasian Association of Universities


The XV Congress of the Eurasian Association of Universities was held on March 2, and the Forum of the Eurasian Network University was held on March 3. The Southern Federal University was represented at these events by the president of the University Marina Borovskaya.

The Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU) is one of the oldest associations of universities in the Eurasian space, it was established more than 30 years ago — in 1989 — and includes 140 leading universities. The president of the association is the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician Viktor Sadovnichy. It was at Moscow State University that rectors and vice-rectors of universities from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and other countries gathered for the XV Congress of the EAU.

President of the Southern Federal University, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities in the South of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Economics, Professor Marina Borovskaya shared with other delegates examples of scientific and educational integration from the experience of universities in the South of Russia.

"Each university has its own identity, but this does not hinder, but only helps us all to do a common cause: to develop science, technology and education for the benefit of society. To ensure that we all understand this benefit equally, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which formed the basis for both the national development goals of the Russian Federation and the strategic documents of other Eurasian states. It is the universities of our countries that can help overcome social disunity, ensure macro-regional economic development, provide support for socio-cultural transformations, integrate fields of knowledge and construct a coherent environment. Because a genuine university is not just an educational institution, it is a research, resource and expert—analytical center," Marina Borovskaya stressed.

Marina Alexandrovna invited all universities represented at the congress to cooperate with the Southern Federal University, and also named only some of the areas of work in which international cooperation is possible: organizing and holding events to promote and support scientific and technological projects and startups, including demo days, thematic conferences and seminars in priority areas, development of joint network educational programs, testing and replication of methods, models and technologies. It is in these areas that the Southern Federal University has already established cooperation with other universities of the Black Sea macro-region, and these practices, according to Marina Borovskaya, can be replicated throughout the Eurasian space.

An important part of the program was the discussion of the common agenda in the field of science and education with the heads of other inter-university associations operating in the Eurasian space, as well as with representatives of the university community of Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iran, China, Mongolia, Oman, Serbia, Syria, Montenegro and other countries.

During the Congress, the directions of the Association's development in modern conditions were determined, as well as measures and actions to expand and deepen ties between universities of the Eurasian space were determined. New members have been admitted to the Eurasian Association of Universities.

Representatives of universities exchanged experience in organizing work with gifted schoolchildren in the field of development of educational methods and implementation of joint projects and planned the creation of a Community of University and innovative schools of the Eurasian space.

As a result of the Congress, decisions were made that will allow the universities of the EAU to coordinate their strategies to develop responses to modern challenges, deepen cooperation between universities in the field of education and science, promote the improvement of the quality of education and the effectiveness of scientific research in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century.

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