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Сумбатян Межлум Альбертович

Звание: Профессор

Степень: Доктор физико-математических наук

ЮФУ801.01.09 - Заместитель председателя диссертационного совета

Кафедра теоретической и компьютерной гидроаэродинамики - Профессор

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Дополнительная информация:

В 1971 г. окончил механико-математический факультет Ростовского Государственного университета по специальности "механика". С 1976 г. - преподаватель кафедры теоретической гидроаэромеханики мехмата РГУ, с 1981 г. - ассистент кафедры теоретической механики Ростовского Инженерно - Строительного Института, с 2001 г. - профессор кафедры теоретической гидроаэромеханики мехмата РГУ. 1980г. - кандидат физико-математических наук, 1995г. - доктор физико-математических наук. Автор 167 публикаций, в том числе монографии в издательстве CRC PRESS (США). Имеет 6 учеников, защитивших кандидатские диссертации и 1 ученика, защитившего докторскую диссертацию. Участвовал в научных грантах РФФИ в качестве руководителя и исполнителя. Руководил группой исследователей в гранте ИНТАС в области аэроакустики. Основные научные интересы: волновые процессы, турбулентность, численные методы, аэроакустика, обратные задачи механики и прикладной математики, ультразвуковой НК. Член Российского акустического общества, член Американского акустического общества, член Технического комитета Европейского акустического общества по строительной и архитектурной акустике, член Национального комитета Российской федерации по теоретической и прикладной механике, иностранный член Национальной академии наук Республики Армения.

Prof. Mezhlum A. Sumbatyan       
Head of the Department of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Head of Ultrasonic Laboratory
Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA

Member of the Editorial Board in 2 International journals.
1995, Full Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
2001, Member of the Russian Acoustical Society (RAO) 
2002, Member of Technical Committee, European Acoustical Association (EAA)
2009, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia
2011, Member of Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

INTAS/AIRBUS Project 04-80-7043 “Mechanisms by which the airframe noise can be controlled", 2005-2007, leader of the Rostov research group.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research Project 05-01-00155 “High-frequency diffraction of elastic waves by complex-shaped obstacles: asymptotic methods in 3d problems with applications to Ultrasonic NDT", 2005-2007.
Russian Ministry for Science & Education Project P238 “The study of the influence of geometry to aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of  Wind Turbine blades", 2009 - 2011.
Russian Ministry for Science & Education Project 02.740.11.5024  “Application of the theory of hypersingular integrals to image recognition of defects in metallic and composite materials", 2009-2010.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research Project 10-01-00557 “Efficient methods of Ultrasonic NDT in reconstruction of 3d defects in real time", 2010 - 2012.
Russian Ministry for Education & Science Project 9.1371.2014/K “Optimal regimes of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of small Wind Turbines under low-speed wind conditions in the Azov - Black Sear basin, 2014 - 2016. 
Russian Scientific Foundation Project 15-19-10008 “Methods of microstructure nonlinear analysis, wave dynamics and mechanics of composites in investigation and design of modern metamaterials and elements of constructions on their basis", 2015 ; 2017.

Italy (Universities of Salerno, Catania, Bologna, Naples) ; more than 40 visits.
Great Britain ; 3 visits.
Greece ; 2 visits.
Sweden ; 1 visit.

254 printed works, including 105 papers published in SCOPUS journals.


Ultrasonic NDT.
Integral Equations.
Inverse problems in mechanics and acoustics.
Asymptotic methods in short-wave diffraction.
Propagation of ultrasonic waves.
Computational Hydrodynamics.
Boundary Elements Method.


Russian (native), English (fluent), Italian (fluent), Armenian (poor), Ukrainian (poor).

RECENT WORKS in the field of Ultrasonic NDT and inverse problems on defect identification

Sumbatyan M.A., Scalia A. Equations of Mathematical Diffraction Theory, CRC Press: Boca Raton (Florida), 2005.

Journal papars:
1) Sumbatyan M.A., Boyev N.V. Mathematical modelling for the practice of ultrasonic inspection // Ultrasonics, 1994, v.32, 5-11.
2) Sumbatyan M.A., Boyev N.V. High-frequency diffraction by non-convex obstacles // J. Acoust. Soc. America, 1994, v.95, 2346-2353.
3) Sumbatyan M.A., Boyev N.V. Inverse problem of the short-wave diffraction for non-convex axial symmetric obstacles // Russian Acoust. Physics, 1999, v.45, N2, 133-137.
4) Scalia A., Sumbatyan M.A. On efficient quantitative analysis in real-time ultrasonic detection of cracks // Ultrasonics, 1999, v.37, 239-245.
5) Scalia A., Sumbatyan M.A. On high-frequency asymptotics in diffraction by finite-length waveguides: Open structures // J. Eng. Math., 1999, v.35, 427-436.
6) Scalia A., Sumbatyan M.A. Explicit short-wave asymptotics for diffraction by finite-length discontinuities in waveguides: Closed structures // ZAMP, 2001, v.52, 631-639.
7) M.Ciarletta, G.Iovane, M.A.Sumbatyan, Inverse problem on crack reconstruction in the elastic half-space: anti-plane case // Inverse Probl. in Science and Enging, 2006, v.14, No.7 , P. 725-745.
8) A.Pompei, M.A.Sumbatyan, E.Trojan, An efficient calculation algorithm for focusing by plane ultrasonic transducers // Applied Acoustics, 2006, v.67, P. 420-431.
9) M.Ciarletta, M.A.Sumbatyan, F. Passarella, Reconstruction of elliptic voids in the elastic wedge: the anti-plane problem // Research in NDE, 2006, v.14, P. 101-120.
10) Pompei A., Sumbatyan M.A., Boyev N.V. Reflection of high-frequency elastic waves from a non-plane boundary surface of the elastic medium // J. Sound & Vibr., 2007, v.302, 925-935.
11) Sumbatyan M.A., Tibullo V., Zampoli V. On the theory of direct and inverse problems in the elastic rectangle: anti-plane case // Research in NDE, 2008, v.19, p. 20-43.
12) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A. One-mode wave propagation through a periodic array of interface cracks: Explicit analytical results // J. Math. Analysis & Applications, 2008, v. 337, No.1, p. 576-593.
13) Ciarletta M., Iovane G., Sumbatyan M.A. Anti-plane inverse problem for inclined cracks in the elastic half-space // Mechanics Research Communications, 2009, V. 36, No. 4, P. 452-460.
14) Brigante M., Sumbatyan M.A. Application of the Inverse Diffraction Technique to the Problem of Reconstruction of Complexly Shaped Flaws by Ultrasonic Methods // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2010, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 98;111.
15) M. Brigante, M. A. Sumbatyan. An efficient numerical algorithm for crack reconstruction in elastic media by the circular US scanning // Inverse Problems in Sciences & Engineering, 2010, v. 18, N 3, с. 361-379.
16) M. Brigante, M. A. Sumbatyan. Reconstruction of crack clusters in the rectangular domain by Ultrasonic waves // Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2010, v. 21, N 4, p. 193-212.
17) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A. Explicit analytical representations in the multiple high-frequency reflection of acoustic waves from curved surfaces: the leading asymptotic term // Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2011, V. 97, 115-127.
18) Sumbatyan M.A., Remizov M.Yu., Zampoli V. A semi-analytical approach in the high-frequency diffraction by cracks // Mechanics Research Communications, 2011, V.38, 607-609.
19) Sumbatyan M.A., Brigante M.. An efficient representation for kernels in the 2d dynamic displacement discontinuity method for cracked elastic materials // ZAMM. 2011. V. 91. N6. P. 516-522. 
20) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A. Energetic properties of the elastic half-space loaded by a periodic distribution of vibrating punches: The study of the phase shift influence // Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2011, V. 69, No. 1, P. 15-38.
21) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A. An asymptotic estimate of the edge effects in the high frequency Kirchhoff diffraction theory for 3d problems // Wave Motion, 2011, V. 48, 408-422.
22) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A. High-frequency multiple Kirchhoff diffraction by flat reflectors with a change of Ray-path planes // Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2012, V. 98, 700-712.
23) M.A.Sumbatyan, K.M.El-Morabie, M.Brigante. Detection of a buried void in an elastic layer of constant thickness: The anti-plane problem // Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2013. V.18. P.67-77.
24) E.Scarpetta, M.A.Sumbatyan. The contribution of the edge effects in the multiple high-frequency Kirchhoff diffraction by plane surfaces // Wave Motion. 2013. V.50. P.210-225. 
25) K.M.El-Morabie, M.A.Sumbatyan. Detection of a single elliptic-shape buried object in stratified elastic media: Anti-plane problem // European Journal of Mechanics. A/Solids. 2013. V.37. P.1-7.
26) A.Scalia, M.A.Sumbatyan, V.Popuzin. A fast BIE iteration method for an arbitrary body in a flow of incompressible inviscid fluid // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2013. V.237. P.508-519.
27) Brigante M., Sumbatyan M.A. Acoustic Methods for the nondestructive testing of concrete: A Review of Foreign Publications in the Experimental Field // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2013. V.49. Issue 2. P.100-111.
28) Brigante M., Sumbatyan M.A. Acoustic methods in nondestructive testing of concrete: Review of foreign publications in the field of theoretical studies // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2013. V.49. Issue 4. P.185-195.
29) Remizov M.Yu., Sumbatyan M.A. A semi-analytical method of solving problems of the high-frequency diffraction of elastic waves by cracks // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2013. V.77. Issue 4.
30) Popuzin V.V., Sumbatyan M.A., Tanyushin R.A. Fast iteration method in the problem of waves interacting with a set of thin screens // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2013. V.53. P.1195-1206.
31) Sumbatyan M.A., Remizov M.Yu., Asymptotic analysis in the anti-plane high-frequency diffraction by interface cracks // Applied Mathematics Letters, 2014, V.34, P.72-75.
32) Scarpetta E., Sumbatyan M.A., The multidimensional stationary-phase method for an asymptotic estimate of edge effects in the multiple Kirchhoff diffraction by curved surfaces // Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2014, V.72, P.731-745.