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"Southern Meridian" held a "Butterfly Day" of swimming competitions


On June 27, the swimming competitions "Butterfly Day" were held in the sports and recreation complex "Southern Meridian".

Sunlight seeps through the large windows and sparkles on the water. On the wall there is a scoreboard with large, red numbers. Competitions will start soon and the pool is gradually filling up with people. The competition starts at 10:00. First, swimmers overcome a distance of 50 meters.

"527 athletes from ten sports schools of Rostov-on-Don take part in the competition. The "Butterfly Day" competitions take place in the city for the first time. But we want to make them annual, and attract more athletes, clubs, schools to participate. The competitions are held within the framework of the Cup of the city Swimming Federation. Today, one of the nine stages is taking place – the “dolphin” day. Earlier, the days of crawl, backstroke, breaststroke passed. We have five more stages planned, " said Mark Tarasov, President of the Rostov-on-Don Swimming Federation.

Participants from different clubs swam distances of 50, 100 and 200 meters. The swimmers achieved some great results.

"The competitions were held perfectly. It is necessary to popularize sports, swimming, so that children sigh up for the class. Not everyone became Olympic champions, world champions at once, but they started with city competitions, with the City Cup, and with the regional championships, " concluded Oleg Malygin, coach-teacher of physical culture at the SFedU Academy of Physical culture and Sports.

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