Southern Federal University has been carrying out vaccinations against coronavirus since February 2021.
You can get vaccinated in three locations of Southern Federal University: the main building (Rostov-on-Don), the SFedU medical center at Zorge Str. and the SFedU medical center in Taganrog. Vaccination is carried out by the medical workers of the Central State Hospital and the 20th Hospital (Rostov-on-Don). There are three available types of vaccine: "Sputnik V", "EpiVacCorona" and "CoviCak". The university staff and students can decide which type of vaccine they will make.
The vaccine is suitable for people of all ages, from 18 to over 60 years. Before vaccination, patients fill out a questionnaire form in which they indicate if they suffer from any chronic diseases, allergies to medicines, and inform whether they have been already exposed to COVID-19 or other viral infections in the last two weeks.
The university compiles lists of those willing to be vaccinated. Then the lists are submitted to the vaccination points. Everyone can sign up for a vaccine at their workplace.
To get vaccinated, a person must have a passport and a medical policy (or insurance), as well as bring their own masks and shoe covers. The patient's data is entered into the database and, therefore, to get a second dose in two or three weeks after the first one, the vaccinated person does not need to provide any documents, just mention the last name.
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