The collection of works in five volumes by Viktor Makarenko, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, chief researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of the SFedU, was marked by a positive review by experts of one of the leading foreign publications in the field of philosophy "Studies in East European Thought" (SEET), ("Studies of Eastern European Thought").
The journal publishes original articles by scientists who explore various philosophical issues, drawing knowledge from other scientific disciplines. In addition to original scientific articles, SEET publishes translations of philosophical texts not previously available in the West, as well as book reviews.
In the review "Politics, Power and Bureaucracy in the light of the conceptological approach. Reflections on the five—volume collected works of V. P. Makarenko" experts noted that Viktor Pavlovich is one of the authors who has been actively researching the triad "politics – power – bureaucracy" for 50 years. The result of the work was a three-volume collection of works, highly appreciated in the scientific community of Russia, as well as a five-volume collection of works published by the publishing house of the Southern Federal University.
Reviewers note that the main scientific achievement of the SFedU scientist is political conceptology – the direction of social and political research developed by Viktor Makarenko. This is the first attempt in Russian social science to create an extremely generalized knowledge of politics based on the synthesis of many discourses of public life. Experts also add that such knowledge is necessary for the reason that in modern conditions it is politics that is the main institution providing the necessary minimum of consent in societies suffering from pluralism of values.
"The author, in our opinion, managed to give original answers to those questions that he considered relevant to political thought when he started his scientific activity," the review says.
According to Viktor Pavlovich, the evaluation of his scientific work in such an authoritative publication is especially valuable for him as a scientist and is also significant for the Southern Federal University, since in "Studies in East European Thought" the work of SFedU scientists is noted for the first time.
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