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Primary prevention of addictions, socially dangerous behavior and mediation in education

​​​​​​​Master's Degree, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Course length: 2 years 6 months (Blended form of study)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

The educational program is designed to train employees of educational organizations of various levels, employees of rehabilitation centers, employees of administrations of the subjects of the Rostov region.

Core curriculum


Specialization courses

Technologies for organizing volunteer activities of students

Technologies of socialization and re-socialization of dependent adolescents in the conditions of digitalization

Project and methodological activity of a teacher in the prevention of computer addiction

Psychological and pedagogical support of students with special educational needs

Evidence-based addiction prevention

Fundamentals of prevention of socially dangerous behavior

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • The lack of analogues of the program in Russian universities
  • Graduates who have received high scores during their studies are included in the additional program "Expert in the field of addiction prevention" and receive an expert certificate.
  • The educational process involves the study of a number of author's disciplines: "Fundamentals of prevention of socially dangerous behavior", "Evidence-based prevention of addictions", "Mediation.", "Preventive pedagogy and psychology".


Continuation of professional activity in the implementation of anti-drug orientation based on modern approaches within the framework of the activities of the Research Laboratory of Theory and Practice of Education and Development of Persons with Special Educational Needs.