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Fine Arts in the system of Continuous Artistic Education

Master's Degree, Academy of Architecture and Arts

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

This Masters degree provides training for highly-qualified teachers of fine arts, who can later work in educational institutions of an artistic orientation, including in managerial positions.

During their studies, students learn the basic principles of conducting scientific research in the field of art pedagogy, and graduate students are trained in the field of fine arts. Starting from the 1st year, undergraduates are working on a master's thesis on the artistic and pedagogical profile, which graduates defend during the state final certification.

Core curriculum


Specialized  subjects

Methodology and methods of scientific research

Modern problems of science and education

Pedagogy and pedagogical technologies in the system of continuing art education

Information technologies in professional activity




Innovative processes in education

Psychology of artistic creativity

Art criticism in the system of continuing art education

Advantages of this study program:

  • Students receive the opportunity for self-realization and professional improvement in the fields of theory and methodology of teaching fine arts and artistic creativity;
  • Training is carried out mainly in the evening, which makes it possible for everyone to combine work and study;
  • Plein-air practices can take place both within the Rostov region and in other regions of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.
  • Teaching and research internships take place mainly at the Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University.
  • Our partner-companies: Rostov regional branch of the All-Russian creative public organization ‘Union of Artists of Russia, Rostov regional branch of the International Union of Art Teachers, Rostov regional branch of the All-Russian public organization ‘Creative Union of Artists of Russia.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The graduates places of work can be various educational institutions: secondary general education institutions, institutions of additional education of an artistic orientation (art schools, studios, childrens art houses), secondary professional and higher educational institutions, as well as organizations related to education management.