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Computer science, robotics and applied research in the field of information technology

Master's Degree, I.I. Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Course length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

The educational program includes both disciplines of a methodological nature (their content is specified for education in the field of computer science and ICT, educational robotics) and special disciplines, the content of which is formed in cooperation with representatives of the employer. To ensure a practice-oriented approach to learning, the educational program includes practices in educational organizations. The training content also includes a module of project activities, in which students solve relevant applied problems in the field of computer science teaching methods.

The result of research activities in the learning process is a master's degree thesis, the subject of which is related to the popular areas of development of the education system: informatization of education; educational robotics, building methodological systems for adaptive learning in computer science and ICT in accordance with the requirements of federal state standards of different levels of education, modernization of the system of additional education for children and adults in the field of computer science and ICT; development of electronic and distance learning systems in the field of informatics and ICT; development of models for the development and socialization of personality in an information society to ensure the preservation of students' health, prevention of cyber dependence.

Currently, it is necessary to form the professional competence of a teacher, which will give him the opportunity to apply modern approaches, pedagogical technologies that will contribute to the creation of a comfortable and effective educational environment for the student in order to prepare him for operational decision-making and their implementation using information and communication technologies in a rapidly changing information society. Therefore, the content of training for the preparing of such highly qualified personnel in the field of computer science and ICT education is based on the most relevant approaches in the field of methodology and methods of teaching and development, enriches the professional competence of the teacher with technological tools, allowing him to implement the teaching of the subject in educational institutions of various levels of education in accordance with the state order, the federal standard, taking into account the requests of the students themselves. The field of professional activity of future graduates of this program is continuing education as a unity of the levels of preschool, basic general, secondary (full) general, secondary vocational, higher and additional education, the social sphere, culture and science in the conditions of informatization of society.

Core curriculum


Specialization courses

  • Modern problems of science and education,
  • Project activity module,
  • Statistical methods in pedagogical research,
  • Methodology and methods of scientific research,
  • Soft skills development technologies ; key skills of the digital society
  • Methods of teaching computer science in the system of continuing education,
  • Theoretical foundations of a school computer science course,
  • Technologies of distance, electronic and mixed computer science education,
  • Modeling of the information and educational environment of continuing education,
  • Educational Robotics
  • Methods of teaching of computer science in the system of continuous education/ Methods of teaching computer science in the system of continuing education,
  • Methods of teaching programming in C++,
  • Methods of teaching programming in Python and Java

Advantages of this study program:

  • The uniqueness of the program consists of the organic combination of theoretical and practical training, creating conditions for the formation of individual educational routes for Masters degree students, which will provide an opportunity to test emerging competencies in educational organizations of various types, to develop their research potential.
  • Disciplines are grouped into logical modules that can be included in other programs, thereby ensuring the formation of innovative integrated programs that can be used in network interuniversity interaction.
  • Training practices are held in educational organizations of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates can work in organizations of preschool, general education, secondary special, higher and additional education, educational organizations that implement the educational process in distance and mixed forms. Successful graduates can continue their postgraduate studies in the specialty “Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (computer science, informatization of education)".