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Counseling psychology

Master's Degree, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

37.04.01 Psychology

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

​​​​​​​                                                            Purpose of this educational program:

Training of highly qualified specialists, research scientists and practitioners who will be able to work in healthcare institutions, research institutes, engage in private practice, etc.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

"Fundamentals of psychological counseling"

"Psychology of the life path of the individual and difficult life situations"

"Psychology of stress"

"Psychological technologies of correction of deviant behavior"

Fundamentals of personality psychocorrection in transactional analysis

Basics of art therapy

Introduction to neuro-linguistic programming

Methods of short-term psychocorrection

Fundamentals of psychological business consulting

Coaching technologies

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • The program combines disciplines, the development of which both orients in the general requirements, stages and patterns of the consulting process, and introduces its specifics in various psychological approaches and traditions.
  • The training is focused on the development of practical competencies that allow a modern psychologist-consultant to combine in his work models, technologies and methods of work offered in psychoanalysis, symbol drama, gestalt approach, art therapy, neurolinguistic programming, coaching, Internet consulting and other classical and innovative areas of counseling.
  • Students will get acquainted with disciplines, which are taught by leading specialists in the field of psychological counseling in the South of Russia, active members of the Russian Psychological Society and various psychotherapeutic associations. As part of the practical classes, students will acquire primary skills in organizing the process of psychological counseling and using the practical tools of the consultant. The educational program combines the possibilities of acquiring experience in providing psychological assistance to a client and working out their own psychological problems, which can become an obstacle to the professional development and professional self-realization of a future psychologist-consultant.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The practice-oriented basic professional educational program guarantees the quality of training of a psychologist-consultant that meets the requirements of the new educational standard that entitles a specialist to engage in psychological counseling. The knowledge, skills and abilities that the program focuses on will help graduates confidently acquire real practical experience, professionally and flexibly responding to customer requests in a rapidly changing world and unpredictable dynamics of the modern political, economic and social situation.