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Intelligent Automated Systems Technologies

Master's Degree, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security

09.04.01 Informatics and Computation

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program:

The purpose of the Master's degree program is to train specialists with deep knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning and related fields, capable of solving complex problems and developing innovative solutions.

Studying for a Master's degree in artificial intelligence involves studying various aspects of this rapidly developing field. The program includes the following topics: Mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence: the study of the basics of probability theory, statistics, optimization and linear algebra, which are key tools for the development of artificial intelligence systems. Fundamentals of Machine Learning: The study of machine learning algorithms such as classification, regression, clustering and reinforcement learning, and their application to solve various tasks. Neural networks and deep learning: the study of the architecture of neural networks such as perceptrons, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as methods of their training and application to solve complex problems such as speech and image recognition.

Natural language processing: The study of natural language processing techniques such as text analysis, information extraction and machine translation, as well as the development of systems capable of understanding and generating human speech.

Computer vision: The study of algorithms and techniques that enable computers to extract information from images and videos, including tasks such as object recognition, tracking, and motion detection. The applications of the Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript programming languages for solving problems in the field of artificial intelligence will be considered.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Methodology of scientific activity;
  • Big Data technologies;
  • Cloud and GRID computing in intelligent automated computing;
  •  Mathematical and algorithmic foundations for building intelligent systems
  • Hardware of intelligent automated systems;
  • Machine learning and data analysis;
  • Databases and intelligent information systems;
  • Computer vision and machine learning.

Advantages of this study program:

  • The Master's degree program “Technologies of intelligent automated Systems" can be useful for the following categories of students: Undergraduate graduates interested in a career in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Specialists who want to gain deeper knowledge in the field of AI and expand their professional capabilities. Researchers engaged in the study and development of new algorithms and technologies in the field of AI.
  • This Master's degree program offers students the opportunity to explore the most advanced technologies and techniques in the field of artificial intelligence. This includes machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.
  • Skills in demand in the labour market: Graduates can work in various industries such as IT, robotics, medicine, finance and many others.
  • Interdisciplinary approach. It combines knowledge from various disciplines such as mathematics, programming, statistics and engineering. This allows students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • Continuous development and innovation: The field of artificial intelligence is constantly evolving, and new technologies and approaches are emerging every day.
  • Team work experience: program includes projects and research that require collaboration between students and faculty. This develops teamwork skills and decision-making skills.
  • Developing Critical Thinking: Studying artificial intelligence requires students to develop critical thinking and data analysis.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates of the program can work in different fields, for example:

  • IT companies (they can engage in software development, database design, data analysis and processing.
  • Robotics: Graduates can create robots and automated systems, develop control algorithms and program controllers.
  • Medicine: in this field, graduates can develop new diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as create medical devices and devices.
  • Finance: graduates can work with financial markets, analyze data and forecast stock and currency prices.
  • Education: Graduates can develop new teaching methods, create training programs and analyze student performance.
  • Production: Graduates can optimize production processes, develop new technologies and improve product quality.
  • Transportation: graduates can design transportation systems, manage traffic flows and optimize transportation routes.
  • Retail: In this industry, graduates can analyze consumer behavior, optimize the range of products and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.