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​​​​​​​Master's Degree, Faculty of Management

38.04.02 Management

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                Purpose of this educational program:

The purpose of the educational program: to develop students' professional view of marketing activities that will increase the competitiveness of the product, company, brand

The program is aimed at persons with higher professional education who are interested in improving the level of knowledge in the field of marketing management of the company, effective interaction with the target audience, customer orientation, marketing research. The market demand for marketing specialists is quite high and stable. There are more than 200 active vacancies in the labor market in the Rostov region, including Digital Director, Internet marketer, social media marketing manager, marketing analyst, brand marketer, head of marketing department.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Modern management technologies

Managerial economics

Methodology of research in management, Business foreign language

Marketing research

Industry marketing

Marketing strategy

Marketing and Sales Management

Digital marketing

Managing the customer orientation of the organization

Methodology for developing and conducting business training

Marketing Brand management

Scientific and methodological seminar "Methodology and organization of scientific research in the field of marketing"

Business game: "Justification of the strategy and tools for promoting goods to the market


H2N marketing

Digital economy (Digital Economy)

Integrated marketing communications and PR

Integration of the results of scientific research into the final qualifying work

Marketing of territories

Consumer Intelligence

Educational practice (introductory practice)

Industrial practice (research work)

Production practice (technological practice)

Industrial practice (practice according to the profile of professional activity)

Marketing research

Industry marketing

Marketing strategy

Marketing and Sales Management

Digital marketing

Managing the customer orientation of the organization

Methodology for developing and conducting business training

Marketing Brand management

Integrated marketing communications and PR

Scientific and methodological seminar "Methodology and organization of scientific research in the field of marketing"

Business game: "Justification of the strategy and tools for promoting goods to the market

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • Practical orientation of the program, considering the demands of the labor market and modern educational technologies.
  • Obtaining relevant knowledge and practical skills necessary in the professional activity of a marketer
  • Including lectures, seminars, master classes from program partners and leading practitioners in the field of marketing. Students get the opportunity to implement project activities on relevant marketing topics, participate in grant activities, the opportunity to complete additional training on online courses, the opportunity to participate in conferences, forums, competitions, master classes, the opportunity to study under international exchange programs
  • Possibility of obtaining scholarships, participation in grants in the educational process.
  • Immersion in the problems of marketing, acquaintance with current practitioners-marketers and like-minded people.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The labor market demonstrates a steady demand for marketers.

Employment as: a brand Manager, a Business Development Director, Sales Director, Head of Marketing and Sales Department, Head of Public Relations Department, leading Internet marketer, marketing analyst.

Possible business ways: startup, marketing agency, small or medium business, large companies. For example, a representative office of an international brand, a large retailer, a banking and financial structure, healthcare and social services, trading companies, cultural institutions, sports, tourism, transport and logistics, government agencies.