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Project management

Master's Degree, Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems

38.04.02 Management

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program

Guided by the basic provisions of the project management methodology, it is possible to create a reliable management system that allows you to streamline project activities, making it more transparent, and thereby optimize the costs of the organization.

The “Project Management" program is aimed at training highly professional specialists with a complex of system knowledge in the following areas: project management, project program management, project portfolio management. Training of specialists who possess: tools of system analysis, including in relation to project management, programs and project portfolios, methods of mathematical modeling of socio-economic processes, information technologies and software products in the field of project management.

                                                             Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Modern management technologies

Methodology of research in management

Managerial economics

  • Project and Change Management
  • Theory of organization and organizational management
  • Strategic management and Marketing
  • Information management and IT project management
  • Innovation management
  • Methods of management decision-making
  • Project activity module
  • Investment and project cost management
  • Project risk management


Advantages of this study program:

  • Interdisciplinarity (involvement of representatives of the business community in the educational process and work with the requests of technical departments from the point of view of the subject area of the program).
  • Versatility (knowledge of the project approach is widely applicable in various sectors of the economy and provides a specialist with a competitive advantage in the labor market)
  • Practice orientation (determined by the requirements of employers participating in the educational process: classroom work, organization of practices, project work, etc.)
  • The educational process includes modern forms of training: case studies, online courses, business games, IT simulators, master classes and trainings of representatives of international companies.
  • Mastering disciplines using e-learning and disciplines in English.
  • Attracting visiting professors (including foreign ones) and academic mobility of students.
  • Formation of hard and soft skills of students (the result of mastering the educational program is a list of unique competencies in project management).
  • The program is focused on competencies formed by professional standards in this subject area.
  • Within the framework of the Business Club, thematic events, open lectures, master classes are held. The mission of the Business Club is to form students' unique competencies and soft skills. In addition to the meetings of the Business Club, visiting events are organized from the department's partners (Business Weeks, excursions, open days in companies, participation in competitions, etc.). Students have the opportunity to study at additional education programs, participate in conferences, forums, Olympiads, summer and winter schools of the SFedU and partner universities.

                                                                      Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates will be able to realize themselves in the following promising areas: providing the enterprise with highly qualified personnel, meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development in order to further self-improvement and career growth, which will allow them to be in demand in Russian and foreign companies, including:

  1. managing the work of a project organization (planning, organization of work and life, management by the project team);
  2. development of new areas of activity of the organization and implementation of appropriate business models;
  3. project management at all phases of its life cycle;
  4. management of portfolios and project programs;
  5. implementation of flexible project management methods, such as Agile or SCRUM; assessment and implementation of market opportunities, risk management and financial flows.