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Euroasian Studies

​​​​​​​Master's Degree, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

41.04.01 Foreign Regional Studies

Course length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                           Purpose of this educational program:

Preparation of a master's degree capable of solving expert-analytical, organizational-managerial and pedagogical tasks in the field of managing regional systems in the space of the Eurasian macroregion, teaching foreign regional studies on the basis of mastering the competencies of political-legal, economic, historical and cultural profile.

Graduates carry out professional activities in the following areas: vocational training, secondary vocational and higher education, additional education; scientific research. In the field of administrative and managerial and office activities, acquire competencies for work in public authorities and management; organization of interaction of structures of the Russian Federation with representatives of relevant countries and regions of the world; protocol activities; organization of projects and programs of international profile.

Core curriculum


Specialization courses

Methodology of scientific research

Foreign language of the region of specialization (English)

Second foreign language (Turkish, German)

Actual problems and methods of teaching foreign regional studies

Socio-cultural portrait of the region: expert analysis

Political management

International integration processes

Theory of international relations and foreign policy

Islam and Islamism in the modern world

Sociological support of regional studies

Innovative management systems in the countries of the Eurasian region: profile analysis

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  1. The program focuses on the formation of a complex of expert and analytical competencies of a graduate master in the field of international and foreign economic relations of the regions of Southern Russia with states and regions located at the junction of Europe and Asia and being cross-border systems of geostrategic significance: the South Caucasus, Turkey, the Middle East, Iran. This perspective of the educational program makes it competitive among the Master's Degree programs implemented in other Russian universities.
  2. In addition, it ensures the prestige of the direction itself in the eyes of applicants, determines the support of the educational program from state and municipal authorities, law enforcement and commercial structures, non-profit organizations, political parties interested in acquiring a graduate with the appropriate set of competencies.
  3. The main activity is expert-analytical, involving the assessment, modeling and forecasting of global, macro-regional, national-state, regional and local political, cultural, socio-economic and socio-political processes based on the application of methods of theoretical and empirical research and applied analysis.
  4. Undergraduates are involved in the preparation of recommendations for state, public, commercial and other organizations concerning the promotion of their interests in our region, as well as foreign countries and regions. Undergraduates are involved in the implementation of university projects with other organizations, public administration bodies and municipal authorities, participate in grant activities.
  5. The educational process is based on the principles of the cognitive-developmental paradigm of education within the framework of active and interactive forms of conducting classes using modern educational and information and communication technologies: problem, interactive and contextual lectures, lecture-talk, lecture with pre-planned mistakes, heuristic conversation, discussions, debates, case technologies, business and role-playing games, brainstorming, method of working in small groups, method of projects, conceptualization and formalization of educational knowledge, training, computer presentations, online support for independent work of students.


The main activity is expert-analytical, involving the assessment, modeling and forecasting of global, macro-regional, national-state, regional and local political, cultural, socio-economic and socio-political processes based on the application of methods of theoretical and empirical research and applied analysis.

Undergraduates are involved in the preparation of recommendations for state, public, commercial and other organizations concerning the promotion of their interests in our region, as well as foreign countries and regions.