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National politics and political ideologies

Master's Degree, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

41.04.04 Political science

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of the educational program

The program is aimed at educating a graduate as a highly qualified and competitive researcher (scientist-analyst) in the field of political ideologies, an expert and consultant in the ideological construction of political parties and non-governmental organizations, especially as a specialist in information and ideological support of projects in the field of national politics, as well as a specialist in monitoring and preventing extremist (nationalist, right-wing radical) activities in new and emerging media.

Moreover, the program allows students to develop skills in teaching socio-humanitarian disciplines and solving educational tasks related to preventing the spread of extremist ideologies among young people.

The fields of professional activity of programs graduate:

  1. Education and science (in the fields of: professional training, secondary professional and higher education, additional education; scientific research on the subject of political science);
  2. ​​​​​​​Administrative, managerial and office activities (in the areas of: settlement of political conflicts and disputes through mediation; administration of relations between public authorities, business organizations and public organizations; political management activities in political parties, international organizations, public institutions, subjects of economic and educational activities; organizational and documentary support of organization management).

Students will gain knowledge of political ideologies, the patterns of their development and combinatorics, the development of the ability to analyze the content of relevant political ideologies and manage the implementation of basic ideological values in the programs of political and public organizations, as well as basic theoretical knowledge and project skills in the field of national politics.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Political ideologies, parties and movements

Methodology of socio-political research

National policy as an object of interdisciplinary research

Methods of teaching political disciplines

Fundamentals of National policy in the Russian Federation

Project activities module

Modern technologies of ideologies formation

Political content and discourse analysis

Nationalism in Europe: Ideology and Practice

Methods of analyzing political extremism

Methodology of Social Studies and Humanities

Advantages of this study program:

  • The master's program provides theoretical training on the subject of the program, as well as practical skills that will help students to develop as professionals in the field of political consulting, teachers, and research scientists.
  • A political science major gives you the skills necessary to explore several career paths. In a political science degree program, students develop stronger research, analytical, and communication skills.
  • Academic trainings are held at the offices of political parties, socio-political organizations, municipal and territorial election commissions, election headquarters of candidates, state and municipal authorities, political departments of mass media, analytical centers and foundations that carry out applied research of the political sphere of society.
  • An approximate list of enterprises and organizations with which it is planned to conclude contracts for targeted training of educational programs students and conducting practical training with further employment: Administrations of districts of the region, territories and republics of the Southern Federal District,  Rostov regional branch of the All-Russian political party "Edinaya Rossiya"; Election Commission of the Rostov region; Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region; Government of the Rostov region; Plenipotentiary Representation of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Regional Socio-Economic Research"; Foundation for the Development of Applied Political Science "Public Policy"; Youth Branch of the Russian Association of Political Science.

Prospects. Career & Employment

A political science degree can be a stepping stone into a career in nonprofit work, politics, policy, media, business, or even education. With a degree in political science, you are qualified for a variety of jobs in many sectors. Some common jobs for political science graduates include policy analysts, political consultants, legislative assistants, political campaign staff, and public relations specialists.

Graduates of the program can work in the following fields:

  • State authorities, local self-government bodies, organizations engaged in political expertise and political consulting;
  • General education organizations, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education and additional education as teachers of social studies, history, political science, teachers of basic political science and special political science disciplines;
  • Scientific and research organizations related to political science issues, as researchers capable of participating in collective research projects;
  • Offices of political parties, editorial offices of mass media, public organizations.