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Transnational relations: Russia, Asia, Europe

Master's Degree, Institute of History and International Relations

41.04.05 International Relations

Program length: 2 years 

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

Everyone, who are interested in cross-regional studies and foreign economic relations, can apply for this program, as it is aimed at deepening analytical and research skills in the field of international relations. According to the results of the program, graduates will be able to:

- conduct foreign economic and foreign policy analysis of information;

- develop and support international economic and political projects, programs, and events;

- to present the results of analytical work in the form of reports, analytical and information-analytical notes, articles, presentations."

A significant part of the courses are taught in English language. Project work is an integral part of the program. Several courses involve solving applied problems that form students' analytical skills. There is an opportunity to complete additional educational programs to deepen special knowledge, skills and abilities.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Foreign language of the region of specialization

Methodology and methods of research and teaching of international relations

Analytical project

World powers and regional systems

Analysis of international situations

World economy and data analysis

EU-Russia-Asia: geopolitical cooperation and prospects for relations

Regional integrations

Transnational movements of peoples, ideas and capital

Advantages of this study program:

  • Emphasis on applied research and projects;
  • Several disciplines are taught in both Russian and English;
  • Possibility of choosing a region of specialization and cross-regional perspectives;
  • Attracting researchers and practitioners from Russian and foreign partners - The Institute of World Economy and International Relations, MGIMO, Moscow State University, I. A. Bunin Yelets State University, etc.
  • Training practices are held in Ministry of Economic Development of the Rostov Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region, state and municipal authorities.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates can work in different spheres:

  • State structures or embassies;
  • Consulting companies;
  • Private corporations;
  • Research institutes;
  • Mass media and media holdings.
