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Organization and Technologies of International and Domestic Tourism

Master's Degree, Institute of Tourism, Service and Creative Industries of SFedU

43.04.02 Tourism

Program length: 2 years 

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

Students will receive basic knowledge in the field of Economics, natural, historical and cultural resource base of Tourism, Functioning of tourist infrastructure, information technologies necessary for successful work at enterprises of the Tourism and Hospitality industry. Basic education in tourism is a prerequisite for admission.

We introduce students to tourism-related professions: guides, employees of travel companies and hotels.

The program will be profitable for employees of travel companies, hotels, tour bureaus and other structures related to tourism and who do not have specialized education in the field of tourism in terms of systematization and updating of existing practical skills and knowledge.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Theory and methodology of research and teaching in tourism
  • The formation of tourism clusters in Russia
  • Economy of a tourist enterprise
  • Technologies for organizing tourism activities
  • Information technologies in tourism
  • Management of a tourist destination
  • Technologies of tourist and recreational design and development of territories

Development of tourism in countries and regions of the world

Models and methods for assessing the historical and cultural potential of territories

Modern problems and strategies of tourism development in the world

Technologies of tourist and recreational design and development of territories

Management of a tourist destination

Theory and practice of ecological tourism

Development of an innovative travel product

Tourism development in the South of Russia (discipline in English )

Advantages of this study program:

  • Students will receive professional training and gain skills in research and project activities in the field of Tourism and the Hospitality industry.
  • Practive trainings will be held in tourism organizations engaged in domestic and international tourism as tourist enterprises (hotels, tour operators, travel agents, tour bureaus) of the leading tourist centers of Russia and foreign countries. Educational and industrial practices are carried out in the leading enterprises of the tourism industry in the South of Russia.
  • Cooperation with the tourist enterprises of the mountain resorts of Krasnodar Krai "Rosa Khutor", "Krasnaya Polyana".
  • Internships in foreign universities and enterprises of the tourism industry are possible. During this internship, students can choose a place for pre-graduate internship and further employment.
  • The program is implemented as part of a network interaction with the North Caucasus Federal University.
  • The training is carried out in a distance format. Flexible schedule of the educational process. The ability to combine work and training.
  • Discipline "Tourism development in the South of Russia" is held in English to improve language skills and conducted in the form of cases and solutions to problematic situations in the field of tourism.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Several types of graduate employment opportunities can be identified.

1. Graduates will be able to work in hotels, tour operators and travel agencies, tour bureaus and other structures providing services in the field of tourism and the hospitality industry in Russia and abroad.

2. Enterprises engaged in the development of domestic and international inbound tourism at the national level. These include sanatorium-resort complexes, tour operators engaged in receiving Russian and foreign tourists in the regions.