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Master's Degree, D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology

06.04.01 Biology

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Training world-class specialists in the field of ecology, nature management, nature conservation, who master modern methods of environmental research, environmental and natural resource management principles.

This Masters program is designed for people who have completed their education according to the basic level program (Bachelor's degree or specialty) and show a pronounced interest and ability in research or scientific and practical activities.

Research activities: qualified staging and conducting experiments and field research, processing discussions, preparation and registration of scientific publications, reports, reports, seminars and conferences, participation in the development and implementation of new methodological approaches, patent work, etc.

Scientific and production and control and expert activities: the implementation of environmental expertise, the solution of design and production tasks requiring basic and special biological and environmental training, organizational activities in the field of nature protection and environmental management, monitoring compliance with established requirements, applicable norms, rules and standards.

Environmental protection activities: planning and conducting biomonitoring and assessment of the state of the natural environment, assessment of anthropogenic impact on the environment; planning and conducting environmental protection measures, etc.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Modern computer technologies, bioinformatic databases, mathematical statistics

History of science ; Biology

The study of the biosphere and assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment

Actual problems of biology (in English)

Organization of scientific research

  • Urban ecology
  • Environmental management and sustainable development
  • Environmental management and audit
  • Human ecology
  • General Ecology
  • Environmental quality regulation
  • Radioecology
  • Plant resources
  • Landscape design
  • Waste management
  • Environmental expertise and EIA
  • Nature conservation and conservation
  • Animal ecology


Advantages of this study program:

  • Students actively take part in scientific activities: laboratory research, expeditions on the territory of the Rostov region, the Southern Federal District and Russia;
  •  Building the educational process on the principles of modularity, flexible schedule of classes;
  •  Internship opportunities at leading institutions and enterprises;
  • The opportunity to participate in research grants and receive scholarships at various levels.
  • Most of the practices are held at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Management, at the Scientific and Educational Centers "Ecology and Environmental Management", at the UNESCO-Cousteau Center for Ecotechnology, at the Youth Laboratory of Ecobiotechnology, Diagnostics and Soil Health Protection, which develop the ability of graduates to successfully apply modern mechanisms and tools for effective environmental management.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Employment as specialists in educational, scientific and environmental organizations. Also, employment in:

  • Southern Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
  • Azov-Black Sea branch Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Virology and Microbiology" ("AzNIIRH")
  • Anti-plague Service of Russia Rospotrebnadzor Rostov-on-Don Anti-Plague Institute
  • Federal State Institution "Rosselkhoznadzor"
  • Agroanalysis-Don LLC
  • Agroindustrial Holdings (JSC Yug-Rus)
  • and many other scientific, industrial and educational environmental organizations