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Historical Analitics

Master's Degree, Institute of History and International Relations

46.04.01 History

Program length: 2 years  

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                               Purpose of this educational program:

The company needs means to minimize the risks that are inevitable in conditions of total uncertainty ; prospective knowledge, which most of the society does not possess.

A student has the opportunity to choose an individual field training within the program. The Master's program includes: Historical Analytics, Socialist and Post-Socialist Studies (in Russian and English), Archeology.

Training of experts-analysts of historical and humanitarian profile, capable of performing the function of mediation between academic science and society, government, business and other organized structures, having the skills and abilities to adequately respond to resonant topics and their expert assessment from the standpoint of modern scientific knowledge. According to the Harvard School Manifesto, one of the advantages of historical thinking is the ability to analyze the past, draw analogies with the present and thereby, having analyzed the current situation in totality and diversity, build probabilistic forecasts and provide recommendations to interested structures. The use of professional tools of the historian ; techniques for working with large volumes of data sources, their structuring, analysis and verification ; together with new approaches and interdisciplinary methods allows you to form a sought-after specialist in the field of working with humanitarian information.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Applied Humanities Research

History of Humanities

Theory and methodology of Humanities and Social Research

Cultural and Historical Anthropology: theory and practice

Theory and Methodology of Data Analysis

Expert and analytical Activity in the field of Humanities

Methodology of institutional analysis

Digital methods of data analysis in humanities research

Track "Historical Analytics"

Modern problems of Russian Historiography

Modern problems of foreign historiography

Methodology and methodology of text analysis

Research approaches to the study of the history of Russia in foreign Russia in the XVIII-XX centuries

Source expertise of electronic resources in humanities

Track "Socialist and Post-Socialist Studies / Socialist and post-Socialist studies"

Socialist Modernity / Socialist Modernity

Political Systems and Ideologies and Socialist and Post-Socialist societies: Decision Making Models / Political systems and Ideologies in Socialist and post-socialist Countries: Decision-making Models

Anthropology of Post-Socialist Societies / Anthropology of Post-Socialist Societies

Socialist Models in Foreign Countries in the Second Half of the XX ; XXI Centuries / Socialist models in foreign countries in the second half of the XX-XXI centuries

Foreign Policy of Russia and the Countries of the Post-Soviet Space: Comparative Analysis / Foreign policy of Russia and the countries of the Post-Soviet Space: comparative analysis and current problems of study

Track "Archeology"

Methods of archaeological research and analysis

Cultural genesis and ethnogenesis of the Middle Ages

Early Civilizations and the Steppe World of Eurasia: analysis of archaeological data

of the Antiquity of the Northern Black Sea region: synthesis of archaeology and Ancient Narratives

Historical and cultural expertise and museology

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • The program integrates elements of several areas of training within its framework, allowing students to receive high-quality education and research skills, analytical activity.
  • Development of cooperation with foreign and Russian partners - universities and research centers, including countries of the studied region.
  • Scientific projects and conferences. Participation in scientific projects, grants, scientific conferences.
  • Opportunity to choose an individual training track ; history, culture or international relations.
  • Development and implementation of project tasks; conducting practices; master classes for incoming and students.
  • The learning process is flexible, individualized, project-oriented with the use of distance forms.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Employment in educational and professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education, specialized scientific institutes and other research institutes, archives, museums, other organizations and cultural institutions, in expert and analytical centers, public and state organizations of information and analytical profile, in the mass media (including electronic), public administration and local self-government, in tourist and excursion organizations.