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Philosophy of science and scientific creativity

Master's Degree, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

47.04.01 Philosophy

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of philosophy of science and scientific creativity, possessing general cultural and professional competencies for the implementation of research, pedagogical, organizational and managerial types of professional activities in the market of educational and expert services.

The program has an interdisciplinary character, and therefore it is focused on training graduates of socio-humanitarian, natural science and technical specialties.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Methods of teaching social and philosophical disciplines in universities
  • Methodology of scientific creativity and modern creative techniques
  • Modern philosophy of science and philosophical foundations of creativity
  • Classical Social Philosophy and Science
  • Academic writing and scientific creativity
  • Actual problems of modern epistemology
  • Visualization of knowledge and visual culture

The specifics of philosophical creativity and the modern philosophy of religion

Project activity module

Intercultural communication

Theory, practice of argumentation and political semiotics

Cultural background of science and natural science creativity

Advantages of this study program:

  1. The educational program combines two models, allowing students to form the trajectories of their studies depending on their research interests and the needs of future professional activity:
  • a research one aimed at preparing a student to work in scientific departments and aiming graduates to enroll at PhD programms with subsequent dissertation defense;
  • practice-oriented, providing training of specialists in the field of philosophy of science, who can join the work of various scientific organizations and institutions in Russia and abroad after mastering the educational program.
  1. The program allows students to master a unique set of competencies in the field of scientific creativity and philosophy of science.
  2. The interdisciplinary nature of the program enables graduates to effectively formulate and solve problems arising in the course of research activities, in teaching various disciplines of philosophical knowledge in educational institutions of higher education, in organizational and coordination and information work in various public, commercial and governmental organizations and foundations.
  3. The program involves an in-depth study of the value and ideological content of science, its fundamental ideological foundations expressed in scientific and philosophical concepts of the past and present, as well as the features of their implementation in research practice.
  4. Study of the methodology of creativity research, their functioning in scientific discourse, the formation of undergraduates' skills in analyzing the moral aspects of scientific activity, as well as scientific communication skills that allow a reasoned discussion in public space and defend their point of view.
  5. ​​​​​​​The program forms soft-skills persuasion and argumentation, planning, project management;
  6. The program forms hard-skills: systematic, logical, creative thinking, public speaking, organization of feedback, mentoring.
  7. Practice trainings are held in Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of The Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS), Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of the SFedU, educational organizations of general and vocational education in Rostov-on-Don.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Employment in educational and research institutions and organizations (pedagogical, research, administrative and managerial positions). Graduates can realize themselves in the field of education management, curation of distance learning projects, and creative training management.

Graduates of the program also have sufficient competencies to continue their studies in Postgraduate programs.