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Applied Geology

Specialist's program, Institute of Earth Sciences

21.05.02 Applied Geology

Program length: 5 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                         Purpose of this educational program

Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of applied geology, to educate creative individuals with a general cultural level and social mobility, competitive in the labor market

The concept of the main educational program is the training of a highly qualified specialist, creatively thinking, adapted to changing conditions and in demand in the labor market, corresponding to the humanistic needs of society.

Training of mining engineers-geologists is a priority area of Russian education due to the need for qualified development of the Russian mineral resource complex, which is the foundation of the life of the state. For the successful activity of the geological industry, young certified specialists are needed who are able to use modern technologies for forecasting, prospecting and exploration, and the integrated use of mineral deposits.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

General geology


Fundamentals of geodesy and topography

Structural geology

Fundamentals of Paleontology and historical geology

Regional geology

Crystallography and mineralogy


Geology of minerals


Methods of geological exploration

Laboratory methods for the study of mineral raw materials

Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration

Fundamentals of thermobarogeochemistry

Fundamentals of hydrogeology and engineering geology

Fundamentals of the development of mineral deposits

Fundamentals of geoinformatics

Computer technologies in geology

Economics and organization of geological exploration

Technique of exploration of mineral deposits

Mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics

Introduction to project activities

Fundamentals of ore processing technology

Fundamentals of safety during field research

Project activities

Geoecological problems of exploration

Computer technologies for calculating stocks

Geotectonics and geodynamics

Mathematical methods in geology

Geomorphology and remote methods in geology

Industrial types of mineral deposits

Basics of gemology

Coal geology

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • This program provides an opportunity for students living in the Rostov region and neighboring regions to receive high-quality geology education.
  • Satisfaction of the individual's need for professional education, intellectual, moral and cultural development and obtaining modern geological education, that based on the integration of the educational process with fundamental and applied scientific research with advanced technologies and innovative approaches.
  • Each stage of training is accompanied by educational and industrial practices covering various territories of our country from the Rostov region and the North Caucasus to Magadan, Chukotka and the Kuril Islands, which allows students to firmly consolidate their knowledge, acquire additional professional skills, get acquainted with the specifics of existing enterprises, expand the circle of professional acquaintances and provide certain arrangements for future employment.
  • Acquiring new knowledge, considering the specifics of the established geological school of the Southern Federal University and priority areas of geology in the field of ore, non-metallic and combustible mineral resources.
  • Ensuring the competitiveness of graduates and close ties with employers in the exploration and mining and processing industries.
  • Education of individuals capable of self-organization, self-improvement and cooperation, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, seek and find meaningful compromises, guided in their activities by professional and ethical standards.
  • Providing the needs of the economy and social sphere of the Southern Federal District and other subjects of the Russian Federation with personnel new formation and training of foreign personnel.

Prospects. Career & Employment

  1. Future young specialists will be able to work in almost all geological exploration, mining and mining-processing enterprises of the Russian Federation and abroad, actively realizing the prospects of their career growth.
  2. Jobs directly related to your degree include: Engineering geologist; Environmental consultant; Geochemist; Geophysicist; Geoscientist; Geotechnical engineer; Hydrographic surveyor; Hydrogeologist; Mudlogger; Palaeontologist; Wellsite geologist.
    Jobs where your degree would be useful include: Drilling engineer; Energy engineer; Environmental engineer; Minerals surveyor; Quarry manager; Sustainability consultant.

  3. Geologists who have studied under this program and have undergone additional military training will be able to continue their contract service in the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition, our graduates, mining engineers-geologists, are widely in demand and successfully work in research organizations such as "ВСЕГЕИ", "ВНИГРИуголь", ЮНЦ РАН, ЦНИГРИ, etc., who are looking for interested potential employers and professional partners.
  4. Graduates who wish to choose a scientific and pedagogical career can enroll in postgraduate studies at the Southern Federal University, followed by potential employment at the university for teaching positions.