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Vyacheslav Sergeevich Malyshevsky 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11431

Head of the department

Faculty of Physics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Research interests: the interaction of particles and radiation with matter, nuclear physics, radioecology. Author more than 100 scientific and educational publications, including the textbook for high schools "Radioecology" (ISBN 978-5-222-20288-3, Publisher "Phoenix"). Scientific achievements. For the first time investigated the mechanism of production photonuclear Be-7 cosmogenic radionuclides in the earth's atmosphere (Phys.Rev. V.C86, p.024609, 2012, Nuclear Physics, t.77, B.7, s.851, 2014). The results of this work entered the international IAEA EXFOR database ( ). formed and registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property database on a specific activity of radionuclides in the soil and the surface layer of the atmosphere of the Southern Federal District (Geoderma, v.259-260, p.259, 2015). The dynamics of the scattering of charged ions and neutral atoms of the crystal surface and the interpretation of the effects previously observed (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 309, 151-152, 2013). The features of Cherenkov and transition radiation of multiply charged ions (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, v.B 359, p.75, 2015).