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- https://sfedu.ru/person/10286
- Personal page in English:
- https://sfedu.ru/en/person/10286

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Research interests:
Major research interests:
- design, synthesis and physical-chemical study of new polyfunctional spirocyclic systems based on nitrogen heterocycles;
- directional search of photochromic compounds and their application as nonsilvered lightsesitive materials and elements of molecular photoniks.
Research projects:
Team Leader of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research projects
13-03-00631 “Indolinospiroqinoline as lightcontrollable elements of photomagnrtics”, 2013-2015
07-03-00234 “Synthesis and study of new polyfunctional spirocyclic systems“, 2007-2009
04-03-32485 “New spirocyclic systems showing photochtomic properties in solid phase”, 2004 -2006
00-03-32415 “Synthesis, photo- and thermochromism of new spiropyran and spirooxazine systems”, 2000 -2002
Russian supervisor of the joint international project between Russian Foundation for Basic Research and State Fund for Fundamental Researches (Ukraine)
13-03-90437 “Design of new spirocyclic systems, containing condensed heterocyclic moiety”, 2013-2014
Russian supervisor of the joint international project between Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research
12-03-90017 “Bistable spirocyclic systems for lightcontrollable elements of molecular photonics”, 2012-2013
08-03-90029 “Synhesis and study of new multifunctional spirocompounds – prospective light sensitive components of organic and composite nanostructures”, 2008-2009
02-03-81011 ” Activation of photochromic transformation on metal surfaces”, 2002-2004
00-03-81135 “Structural transformation of photochromic molecules in adsorbed state”, 2000-2001