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SFedU Held 10th Science Festival of the South of Russia


On September 21-22, the Southern Federal University held the 10th Science Festival of the South of Russia at the Rostov Arena. The central topic of the festival was the Periodic table. About 20 000 guests attended the festival during 2 days.


This year the festival became the central regional venue of the Russian science festival NAUKA 0+. 

The guests were greeted by a Deputy Minister of Compulsory and Technical Education of the Rostov region, a head of the Department of continuing education Andrey Fateev, a First Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Rostov region Andrey Savelyev, "Yandex.Uchebnik" Development Director Dmitry Rastvorov, a Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of the Rostov region Yuri Leskin, the interim rector of SFedU Inna Shevchenko and others. 

According to Inna Shevchenko, the festival differed from the previous ones in a number of participating universities, partners and events: "It is very important that not only the platform is expanding, the opportunities for science and students' achievements are expanding too. The 10th Science Festival of the South of Russia is an educational intensive forum, when we can integrate the results of scientific research into the transformation of educational processes and involve the younger generation in science."

230 interactive exhibition modules, 85 working points of the universities, research institutes, companies and enterprises of the South of Russia were located over the area of 8 thousand square meters.  27 universities from the Southern, North Caucasus and Central Federal districts of the Russian Federation, 12 enterprises of the real sector of economy participated in the Festival. The representatives of universities from South Korea, Cuba, Paraguay and Poland took part in the festival for the first time.

In the framework of the Festival, the Russian festival of energy conservation #Vmesteyarche was held. It was organized by the Industry and Energy Ministry of the Rostov region. The festival was dedicated to the issues of energy conservation and ecology, energy development, as well as the promotion of professions related to the fuel and energy complex.

The festival also hosted the Youth Innovation Convention of Rostov region, where young scientists presented their latest developments in the field of unmanned aerospace systems, distributed energy, personalized medical services and medicines, human-machine communications, etc. The authors of the best innovative projects were awarded with the personalized prizes of the Governor of Rostov region in the categories "Best innovative product", "Best innovative project", "Best innovative idea".

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