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Useful information

Medical examination

Foreign citizens, during 30 calendar days from the date of expiration of the validity period of medical documents confirming their medical examination, must re-undergo a medical examination and submit it directly to the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the field of internal affairs.

1. Medical examination: N31, Taganrogskaya St., Rostov-on-Don (entrance from 32 Tashkentskaya St.).

Work schedule: Tuesday, Thursday from 7:00 am to 12:00 am (2 times a week).

This type of procedure is carried out at the personal expense of a foreign citizen. The cost of the procedure is determined by a special medical institution in which the examination will take place.

The medical examination is carried out annually within a month after the previous medical examination.

2. The results of the medical examination must be submitted directly to the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the field of internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs),

  • or in the form of an electronic document using a single portal of state and municipal services (Gosuslugi),
  • either through a subordinate enterprise or an authorized organization.

Refusal to attend the specified event within 30 days entails a reduction in the duration of your temporary stay in the Russian Federation. Violation of the migration legislation is the basis for termination of the agreement on the provision of educational services