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Theoretical computer science and information technologies (taught in English)

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

02.03.02 Fundamental informatics and information technology: Theoretical computer science and information technologies (taught in English)

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: English

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program​​​​​​​

The program is aimed at training competitive, professionally autonomous, motivated, mobile, capable of continuous professional development of Mathematics and IT specialists with a certain set of general competencies, including systematized knowledge, skills and practical skills.

We encourage and inspire students to pursue careers in various fields of programming and mathematics. By providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge, we can help them achieve their goals and become successful in their chosen careers.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Foreign language (Russian)

History (history of Russia)


Economics and law

Physical culture and sport

Basics of Programming

Discrete Mathematics

Algebra and Geometry

Continuous Mathematics

Programming Languages

Introduction to the Project Activity

Essay paper (Coursework) Thesis paper

CS211. Programming Languages

CS201. Mathematical Logic  

CS261. Software Engineering  

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

CS242. Algorithms and Data Structures

CS292. Computational Mathematics

Modern Web Technologies and User Interface Development

Basics of the Java, basic libraries, introduction to multithreaded data processing

CS291. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

CS221. Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

CS202. Automata Theory and Formal Languages

CS251. Database Technology

CS222. Computer Networks

CS207. Mathematical Foundations of Information Security

Modern optimization methods

CS341. Algorithms on Graphs

Scientific Computing Software (Maple, MatLab)

CS332. Computer Graphics

Expert Systems and Non-classical Logic

Frontend development with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

CS371. Coding Theory

Advanced Python Programming

Advantages of this study program:

  • Interdisciplinary nature. Balanced combination of academic and practice-oriented disciplines. 
  • In the academic field, the program aims to train specialists in the field of computer science and applied Informatics, who can develop and promote computer science based on existing and internationally recognized achievements and established practices.
  • In the industrial field, the program trains specialists who, immediately after graduation from the university, can be integrated into the existing industrial environment. In this direction, the program is focused on training specialists to create and maintain integrated information systems and services, use of advanced technologies, applied programming technologies and computer systems administration.
  • During studies students get both - transferred basic knowledge relating to the fundamental sections of computer science, such as theory of algorithms and computability, as well as application sections related to specific languages and programming systems.
  • Students can start their professional career already in their senior years, taking part in projects with partners and customers of the university and the graduating department.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The fundamental knowledge gained during the program provides the basis of competencies that offer help with career prospects. The course teaches basic concepts from computability theory and comutational complexity, as well as a few advanced topics of interest, which allow them to find them perspective job position.

Graduates will be required in companies, related with: Sphere of IT-science or Computer science (in industry, IT-companies, financial companies, analytic departments of different companies). You can specialise in areas including microeconomics, e-commerce and data mining prior to an extended industrial placement in a real-world environment.

Career opportunities in the computer science and information technology field are ample. Our graduates can be employed as:

  • Data science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning
  • User experience/user interface
  • Design and development, etc.

Graduates can continue their education at Master's degree and postgraduate studies.