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Student exchange programs

Exchange programs in Europe and Asia

Students of SFedU have the opportunity to study in foreign universities for a semester or a year. Southern Federal University has signed exchange agreements with a number of universities worldwide facilitating student exchange.

Students can also participate in the scholarship exchange program Erasmus + in 18 European universities in Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary for a semester.

Dear foreign students!
If you want to gain experience of studying at a foreign university, please choose one option:
1. Study from one semester up to one year as part of exchange agreements between SFedU and a foreign partner university, European grant programs Erasmus+ or Erasmus Mundus (MARIHE, Master Erasmus Mundus MaMaSELF)
2. Participate in summer programs offered by foreign universities. Participation in summer and winter schools will allow you to study language and culture of the host country.

Exchange programs
Exchange programs are carried out in accordance with the agreements between SFedU and partner universities. The exchange program allows a student to complete a part of the educational program at a foreign university on the basis of an individual education plan. The results of the student's training abroad are recognized in SFedU and included in the academic transcript.

Do you want to participate in the exchange program?

  • Choose a university to study;
  • Submit an application;
  • Provide an individual education plan;
  • Pass the competitive selection.

During the selection, the following shall be taken into account:

  • conformity between the selected program in a foreign university and an education plan at SFedU;
  • knowledge of a foreign language (you can either take a test at SFedU or provide an international language certificate);
  • good academic performance, recommendations of the educational program director.

Attention! The application for participation can be accepted only if there is a written permission of the dean's office.
The students who passed the competitive selection and enrolled into the academic exchange program should sign the trilateral Learning Agreement.
After receiving the invitation from the host university, the Center for International Programs and Projects prepares the order based on an individual education plan and a copy of the university invitation. The order must come into force by the time of your departure to a foreign university.

Financial issues
Students are responsible for all costs incurred at a foreign university. Studying at a foreign university as part of an exchange program is free of charge.
On student's return, the participant shall provide the Learning Agreement signed by the host country to the Center for International Programs and Projects.
For all questions, please contact Center for International Programs and Projects ( and the academic mobility coordinators.