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Neuromorphic and Neuro Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems

Master's Degree, Institute of Nanotechnology, Electronics and Instrumentation

11.04.04 Electronics and nanoelectronics

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program:

The educational program is oriented to external and internal labour markets, which are related to scientific and technological progress and structural reorganization of the economy of Russia and the whole world.

This program would be interested graduate students, who are interested in the following topic (03.03.00, 03.04.00, 04.03.00, 04.04.00, 06.03.00,06.04.00, 11.03.00, 11.04.00, 12.03.00, 12.04.00, 19.03.00, 19.04.00, 28.03.00, 28.04.00). Also this program was created for specialists in related fields (physics, chemistry, biology, electronics and nanoelectronics, instrumentation, biotechnical systems and technologies, nanotechnology and micro systems engineering, nanoengineering).

As a result of the training, students will gain knowledge of Physical principles of operation of neuromorphic electronic devices, Fundamentals of modeling neuromorphic electronic devices, Manufacturing technologies for neuromorphic electronic devices. Moreover, they will gain practical skills of working on modern research and technological equipment, programming neuromorphic electronic devices and developing neuromorphic electronic devices for various applications.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Methods of mathematical modeling of neuroelectronic devices and systems.

Computer-aided design (CAD) of elements of neuroelectronics.

Commercialization of research and development results

A foreign language for professional purposes.

Ensuring information security in infocommunications using neuroelectronic devices.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Technology of memristive elements.

Neural networks and their application.

Research methods for memristive nanomaterials and neuromorphic structures.

Physical and topological modeling of elements


The use of neuroelectronics devices.

Advantages of this study program:

  • We train future specialists, capable of solving complex science-intensive tasks on the frontier of world engineering and in interdisciplinary fields of science at a qualitatively new level.
  • Research activities in a new direction using modern research and technological infrastructure.
  • Participation in the program of leading world-class scientists, highly qualified teaching staff.
  • Students of the program are integrated into projects, gain experience working in an international team, and are published in highly rated scientific journals.
  • The program offers a unique internship opportunity at leading Russian and international companies and universities.
  • The program provides employment in world-class research laboratories.
  • Academic trainings are held in leading research laboratories, design centers and enterprises of the microelectronic industry, which are developing synthesis technologies, methods and approaches for parametric analysis of nanomaterials for the electronic component base of hardware implementation of neuromorphic systems of robotic complexes and neural networks of artificial intelligence. Furthermore, students may visit enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the radio-electronic industry, as well as organizations leading the development, configuration and maintenance of all types of electronic equipment.

Prospects. Career & Employment

After an excellent academic internship, students can stay to work at enterprises by invitation in leading research laboratories, design centers and enterprises of the microelectronic industryб enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the radio-electronic industry, as well as organizations leading the development, configuration and maintenance of all types of electronic equipment.

Our graduates can be employed:

  • At the enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
  • At enterprises of the radio-electronic industry.
  • In organizations engaged in the development, configuration and maintenance of all types of electronic equipment.