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Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Academy of Architecture and Arts

54.03.01 Design

Purpose of this educational program:

Costume designers create fashion collections, study the history of the costume and modern trends in this area of design. Interior designers design educational and real projects, understand coloristic, engineering communications and know modern techniques for creating a comfortable environment. Graphic designers study typography, packaging design, periodicals and books, explore modern visual culture, work in several graphic programs.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

History of design, science and technology

Art history. Aesthetics of architecture and design

Coloristic. Painting and sculpture

Academic and technical drawing

Font and font composition

Design engineering

Propaedeutics. Basics of composition

Fundamentals of production skills

Computer animation. Web design

Computer technologies in costume design

BIM technologies in interior design


Advantages of this study program:

  • Combination of basic and applied disciplines.
  • Graduates of the program can solve a wide range of project tasks, understand contemporary art and trends in visual culture.
  • Students will gain fundamental knowledge of the history and theory of design and art and will study modern design technologies. During the entire period of study, students carry out educational projects, gaining real work experience and forming a professional portfolio.
  • Students participate in regional and international competitions, gaining experience in exhibition activities and having the opportunity to show their talent, participate in university project programs.

Prospects. Career & Employment

🧑🏻‍🎨Many designers move up, down and across depending on their skills and education, life circumstances and experience. Designers can become product managers, teachers, coaches and mentors, digital strategists, and Chiefs of Staff. The future of design is an exciting and dynamic space, driven by technological advancements that continue to redefine what's possible.

Why pursue a Bachelor's degree in Design?

  • Continue education at Master Degree.
  • Employment in design bureaus and design studios, advertising agencies and cultural and educational institutions.
  • Employment in foreign agencies in spheres of computer technology and foreign languages (English).
  • The objects of professional activity of graduates are the subject-spatial environment, visual environment and items of clothing and accessories.