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Arts and Humanities Sciences

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

50.03.01 Arts and Humanities Sciences

Purpose of this educational program

The program is aimed at training students to work as curators of socio-cultural and artistic projects, managers in the field of art, art appraisers, and art directors. Graduates of the program can become specialists working in museums, cultural spaces, exhibition centers, galleries.

The purpose of the program is fundamental and at the same time practice-oriented training of professionals with extensive knowledge that will allow them to work in various fields of activity. Academic trainings are conducted in cultural spaces, museums, and organizations-partners of the program.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

History and theory of art culture

History of world culture

History of global and Russian cinema

Cultural politics



Art tourism

Fundamentals of modern art

Cultural management

Museum management studies and cultural heritage conservation

Cultural country studies

Advantages of this study program:

  • Developed networking system.
  • The only one program among universities of the southern part of the country to train specialists in the field.
  • Modular structure of the curriculum.
  • Opportunity to get employed at the leading companies in the field of culture and art.
  • Academic trainings are held at all structures working in the field of culture: cultural spaces, libraries, museums, as well as state authorities.

Prospects. Career & Employment

✍🏼📚Arts and Humanities encompass a wide range of disciplines that explore the human experience, both past and present. It focuses on understanding, interpreting, and appreciating various aspects of human culture, creativity, expression, and thought. It is quite difficult to learn up every trending technical skill there is out there in globalized world. Instead, focus on enriching your personal, intellectual and professional development.

Why pursue a Bachelor's degree in Arts and Humanities Sciences?

Arts and Humanities courses offer a holistic education that equips you with skills, perspectives, and insights that can benefit both your personal growth and your professional pursuits.

  • Graduates can continue their education at Master's Degree.
  • You may work as Historian, Journalist, Minister, Editor, Archivist, Curator, Museum Technician, Public Relations Specialist, Social media specialist, Advertising manager, etc.
  • After completing the educational program, graduates can work in the institutions of higher education, public authorities, media structures, cultural industries, art business, cultural tourism, gallery business and publishing.