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Pedagogical Education: Mathematics

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

44.03.01 Pedagogical Education: Mathematics

Program length: 4-5 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The program is aimed at students, who are interested in organizing, designing and implementing joint educational activities in the field of mathematics with children.

The program may be of interest to people with higher education in other fields, who want to realize themselves in the field of teaching.

Graduates of the program will have competencies that allow them to carry out professional activities related to solving pedagogical, methodological and project tasks in the field of mathematical education.

The program makes it possible to build an individual educational trajectory due to:

  • variable system of elective disciplines and a module of university academic mobility,
  • formation of professional competencies through the use of modern educational technologies based on an activity-based approach,
  • increased amount of trainings with diversified content,
  • inclusion in the training system of educational organizations of various types,
  • organization of practical trainings of various types, taking into account the interests of students.


Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Health and safety
  • Philosophy
  • History of Russia
  • The foundations of Russian statehood
  • Economics and law
  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • ICT and media information literacy
  • Introduction to project activities
  • Foreign language for Business communication
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
  • Differential and partial differential equations
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Methods of teaching mathematics
  • Elementary mathematics
  • History of mathematics
  • Information technology in mathematics
  • Selected problems of mathematical education methodology
  • Modern mathematics teaching technologies
  • Teaching methods for solving school mathematics course non-standard problems


Advantages of this study program:

  • The content of the program is supported with a material, technical, scientific and methodological basis for modeling professional activities, organizing research and project activities of students.
  • Throughout the entire period of study, students have opportunities to acquire practical professional experience: by mastering the theoretical and practical content of the program, participating in additional education programs; in the work of scientific and educational clubs; in activities in the field of mathematical education at various levels.
  • Highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in scientific and pedagogical activities participate in the implementation of the program.
  • During their studies, students gain practical experience in various fields of professional activity through an individual approach to choosing practice bases.
  • The high level of program graduates competence is achieved through an optimal combination of fundamental mathematical training and professionally oriented training.
  • When choosing an academic career, graduates of the program will have comparative advantages in all areas of professional activity.
  • Academic trainings are held at the educational organizations of general and specialized education, institutions of additional education.


Prospects. Career & Employment

Bachelor's Degree Graduates of the program will be able to work as:

  • mathematics teachers in educational institutions of general and specialized education;
  • methodologists  in various types of educational institutions;
  • teachers in the field of additional education.

Programs partners:

  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of Rostov-on-Don “Sergey Kozlov Lyceum No. 103";
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of Rostov-on-Don “School No. 87 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Shcherbakov Nikolai Mitrofanovich";
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of Rostov-on-Don “Lyceum No. 33 named after the Rostov Regiment of the People's Militia";
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of Rostov-on-Don “Yuri Andreevich Zhdanov School No. 115";
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of Rostov-on-Don “School No. 60 named after the Fifth Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Red Banner Budapest Corps".