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Pedagogical Education: Primary Education

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.03.01 Pedagogical Education: Primary Education

Program length: 4-5 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Training of primary school teachers for secondary schools, the development of students' professional and personal qualities, the formation of universal, general professional, professional and variable professional competencies in the field of primary education

The program is aimed at graduates of secondary schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as applicants who want to get a second higher education.

                                                             Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Psychological and pedagogical module
  • Economic and legal module
  • Module on information and communication technologies and information security
  • Module of research work
  • Module "Theories and technologies of primary language education"
  • Module "Theories and technologies of studying the integrated course "The world around us"
  • Module "Theories and technologies of primary mathematical education"
  • Module "Educational and extracurricular activities in primary school"
  • Module "Theory of literature and practice of reading activity"
  • Module "Methods of teaching and education in primary education"
  • Module "Scientific and practical foundations of primary school teacher activity"
  • Module "Theories and methods of teaching art and technology in primary school"
  • Foreign language for business communication
  • Module "Theories and technologies of primary literary education"


Advantages of this study program:

  • Preparation of a teacher for work at the stage of primary general education.
  • Integration of theoretical and practical training of a future teacher; maximum approximation of the educational program to the real professional activity of a teacher in primary school; combination of theoretical and practical methods and forms of education; ensuring the relationship of the best traditional practices of teaching and educating younger schoolchildren with advanced pedagogical experience (Yandex.Textbook, Учи.ру).
  • Organization of the educational process using digital learning technology in a mixed format (the "inverted classroom" model), including on the basis of own online courses, and online courses of educational organizations.
  • Using new approaches to monitoring and evaluating students' achievements that ensure their objectivity and reliability (a demonstration exam with an invitation external experts).
  • All types of classes, procedures for evaluating the results of training are provided with the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies.
  • Preparation and participation of students in WorldSkills championships of various levels (university and national), the competition "Teacher of the future (student track)";
  • Participation of students in innovative educational projects of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy and the Department of Primary Education "University elementary classes", "We teach-we know";
  • The presence in the content of the studied academic disciplines of online modules hosted on open educational platforms;
  • Organization of lectures, seminars, as well as various types of practice using interactive and blended learning technologies;
  • Practical training in the best educational institutions of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, including using the interactive educational platform " Учи.ру " and the service "Yandex.Textbook";
  • Participation of students in scientific research, presentation of research results at scientific and practical conferences of regional, All-Russian and international levels;
  • Participation of students in educational intensive courses, project shifts and pedagogical hackathons.

                                                                 Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's Degree program;
  • SFedU University guarantees employment in the field of general secondary education, since students will receive professional knowledge and necessary competencies in the field of primary general education.
  • A specialist of this profile may also be in demand in the field of additional education. A set of professional competencies also opens up a wide horizon working in the field of scientific activity related to the development of problems in educational and upbringing spheres.