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Youth Outreach Management

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

39.03.03 Youth Outreach Management

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                          Purpose of this educational program:                 

The educational program is focused on training the personnel base for the implementation of the state youth policy ; specialists in working with youth who are capable of solving tasks for the implementation of youth policy in the fields of labor, law, politics, science and education, culture and sports, communication, interaction with state organizations and public institutions, youth and children's public associations.

Professional training of highly-sought-after experts, capable of designing and implementing social technologies and processes that affect the quality of human capital and the surrounding world.

​​​​​​​                                                                                    Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Fundamentals of demography

Sociology of youth

Introduction to the profession

Social technologies for working with young people/ Social technologies for working with young people (Lepin A.P.)

Fundamentals of scientific research in professional activity

Institutional support of GMP implementation

Management and administration in the youth environment

Crowdsourcing youth issue

Social work with children and youth

Fundamentals of intercultural interaction and cross-cultural communication

Information technologies in professional activity

History and current state of GMP in Russia and abroad

International exchanges and cooperation in the system of youth policy of Russia and the world/ International exchanges and cooperation in the system of youth policy of Russia and the world (Lein A.P.)

Designing and forecasting social phenomena and processes in the youth environment

Leadership and team building

Youth and public organizations in the space of youth policy

Fundamentals of design and maintenance of creativity and leisure

Career strategies of young people Career strategies of young people

Basics of volunteer activity


Theory and practice of formation and development of innovative potential of gifted children and young scientists/ Architectonics of socialization trajectories (coaching technologies)

Communication companies for the promotion of youth health/ Ethics and fundamentals of morality (Lipetsk E.Yu.)

Fundamentals of public;private partnership

Youth Movements in Russia: History and Modernity/ Youth in Socio;political Life

Theory and practice of public relations (Ovrutsky A.V.)/ Fundamentals of communication theory and fundamentals of journalism (Kuznetsova A.V.)

Critical thinking (Goncharova I.K.)/ Logic and theory of argumentation, negotiation processes (Bakulov V.D.)

System of state and municipal management (Taradina M.V., Kobilev A.G.)/Power and state

Project Activity Module (Introduction to project activity/Project 1, 2.3 courses)

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • The opportunity to get a high;quality education combining the best academic traditions of a classical university and unique practices of innovative technologies for working with young people, classroom forms of work with online technologies, practical orientation with research work;
  • High competitive advantage of graduates due to the active involvement of practitioners of the real sector in the implementation of OP; design approach to the professional trajectory due to the possibility of obtaining a second diploma (retraining "Social Work", "Political Science", "Teacher of socio ; humanitarian disciplines") priority of active, practice;oriented, interactive forms in the educational process; integration students in youth policy.
  • The educational program is designed to enable students to start as soon as possible using acquired knowledge to create knowledge-based applications;
  • Real cases from employers during project activities.

Prospects. Career & Employment

  • The fundamental knowledge gained during the program provides the basis of competencies that offer help with career prospects.
  • Employment in state and municipal authorities; socio-pedagogical and rehabilitation major or further work in socially oriented organizations.
  • Future professionals can realize themselves in the following areas:
  • Research (graduates, focused on further deepening of the acquired competencies, continue their studies in master's programs, master postgraduate levels of education.
  • Technological (involves various vectors of development and self;determination: work in public authorities; youth associations, foundations; event industry; assistance services for young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The fundamental nature of the training and the set of social technologies and the practice;oriented nature of the program allow our graduates to feel competitive in all areas of the implementation of professional competencies).