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General Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Instrument Engineering

11.03.04 General Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Program Overview

The program focuses on external and internal labour markets, which are linked to scientific and technological progress and restructuring of the economy of Russia and the world.

The program is necessary for modernization of Russian and foreign industry and technological development of digital economy.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects



Information technologies

Circuit engineering

Theoretical basis of electrical engineering

Engineering and computer graphics

Micro- and nano-electronics

Impulse and digital devices

Technical electrodynamics

Application of electronic tools and devices

Microwave tools and devices

Program Benefits

Prospects. Career & Employment

Nanoelectronics is a fast-developing field that includes generating nanosensors in nano-sized dimensions for applications “from home to field." Nanoelectronic-based nanodevices are very important to developing the high-performance analyses. Nanotechnology engineering offers promising and dynamic career options. With its immense potential for scientific advancements across industries, nanotechnology opens up exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.

Why pursue a Bachelor's degree in General Electronics and Nanoelectronics?

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's Degree.
  • Guaranteed employment in partner organizations in Russia and abroad: partner companies help in organization of practices, project activities, research, ensuring the publication activity of bachelors.
  • Graduates of the program are researchers and developers proficient in nanotechnology, micro- and nanosystem technology, microwave electronics, optical and quantum electronics, electronic devices and devices for monitoring, control and diagnostics.​​​​​​​​​​​​​