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Pedagogical Education (with Two Majors): Geography and economics

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Earth sciences

44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with Two Majors): Geography and economics

Program length: 5 years (full-time study), 6 years (correspondence study)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                      Purpose of this educational program

  • Training of highly qualified professionals with specialized economic knowledge and broad scientific background, with a geographical outlook, scientific analysis, critical and spatial thinking;
  • Training of professionally competent personnel ready for independent teaching in geography and economics.

                                                                      Core curriculum


Specialized subjects



  • Inclusive education
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Economics and jurisprudence
  • Introduction project activities (1-3 years of studies)
  • Physical education
  • Basis of scientific research activities
  • Foreign language in professional communication
  • Introduction: Geography
  • Geo-morphology and basis of geology
  • Digital education technologies in context of geography/ Cartography and geo-informational systems
  • Human geography. Basis of demography and ethnography
  • Geo-urban studies and planning
  • Hydrology
  • Meteorology and climatology
  • Methods of geography studies
  • Organization of out-of-school activities and further education
  • Physical geography of continents and oceans
  • Physical geography and landscapes of Russia
  • Ecology
  • Economic, social and political geography of Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Economic, social and political geography of the world
  • Mathematical statistics in geography
  • Methods of economics teaching
  • History of economics studies
  • Economic theory
  • Marketing
  • Management theory
  • Finances and taxation
  • Econometrics. Data Science tools
  • State and municipal management
  • Economic statistics
  • World economics and international economic relations
  • Basis of industrial and agricultural production
  • Economics of nature management

Elective courses:

  • Economics of education\Geoeconomics\Foreign economics activities
  • Pedagogical course\ Modern experience of teaching geography studies
  • Rostov oblast geography\ Historical geography and ecology of Lower Don Valley

                                                      Advantages of this study program

  • This is the only pedagogical program providing training of qualified personnel who can simultaneously teach Geography and Economics;
  • A distinctive feature of the program is the presence of an extensive system of disciplines and practices that ensure the interpenetration of universal and professional competencies at the junction of social and natural sciences disciplines;
  • Modern educational technologies and variability in their use;
  • Pedagogical practices in advanced educational organizations.

                                                                              Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

- Continue their education at Master's Degree;

- Employment in general education schools as teachers of geography and economics; can be competitive as analytics in the field of social and natural sciences; teachers of additional education; tutors-geographers and economists; Employees of research organizations; employees of educational management bodies.