Communication-Informative Library and Publishing Media Centre on the Zapadny Campus
Research Institute of Physics, SFedU
Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies, SFedU
Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, SfedU
Institute of Earth Sciences, SfedU
Public Catering Services, SfedU
Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences, SFedU
Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts, SFedU
Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts, SFedU
Institute of History and International Relations, SFedU
Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Law, SFedU
Open Institute of Modern Educational Technologies "Burevestnik", SFedU
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication, Pushkinskaya street, SFedU
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication, SFedU
Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies
Southern Federal University (main building)
Higher School of Business, SFedU
Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies
Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences, the building on Dneprovsky lane
Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control, SFedU
The meeting room of the Academic Council of SFedU in Taganrog
Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems, SFedU
Military Training Center, SFedU
Library of SFedU. The building in Taganrog
Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control. The building on Shevchenko street
Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering. SFedU
SFedU student club. Housing in Taganrog