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Student Research Paper Competition

Southern Federal University announces Student Research Paper Competition: “SFedU for Future Science".

Participants must be students pursuing an academic degree at a Russian or international university. The competition has three categories, one for undergraduate research and the other for graduate research and the third for popular scientific papers.

Research topics should be within the following broad areas:

- Future Medicine, Biotechnologies;

- Information Technologies. Nanotechnologies, Smart Materials;

- Robotics, control systems, navigation and communications;

- Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of the South of Russia;

- Challenges and opportunities of the Azov and Black Sea Region.

SFedU has launched the competition to promote student research in multidisciplinary areas by identifying and highlighting excellence in the above-mentioned fields.

Deadline is April 15, 2020.

The verification of the papers will be done anonymously. The winners will be announced by May 4, 2020. You can upload your papers at

The winners and prize winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas, which they can use:

- in the portfolio contest for admission to Masters training at Southern Federal University;

- to receive travel grants from SFedU to take part in a conference or summer school.

The winners of the competition who are the students of other universities will be able to receive their travel grants if they will transfer to Southern Federal University.

If you have any questions about the competition, please contact:

Natalya Andreychenko Email:

tel.: 8(863) 218 40 00 extension 11652